
Has anyone out there been screwed over by Tricore Laboratories?

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They never filed a claim with my health insurance for services. Now, almost 2 years later I find out that they sent me to collections for $260.00 No one ever mailed me a bill or called. No notice to by insurance and when I contacted my insurance they said that Tricore is famous for this type of procedure, they have had problems in their billing department and have made alot of mistakes. I have been destroyed credit wise because it sat on my credit record for 8 months with no notice to me. Can they do this? My credit is distroyed. Any suggestions?




  1. Pull your credit reports and dispute the account to all three bureaus. Wait 30-45 days and see what happens.

    If it falls off, great.

    If it does not fall off, then send the collection agency a debt validation letter and make them prove that they own the debt.

    If they don't validate the debt, dispute it again and it should fall off.

    If they do validate the debt, send them a pay for deletion letter. Offer to pay them 20 percent of the debt in exchange for deleting the account from the credit bureaus.

    If they agree to it, great.

    If they don't, you can then either decide to negotiate a higher payoff in exchange for deletion or tell them to go pound sand. They most likely will not sue you for such a small amount and you can always wait them out and try another PFD in a few months.

    Remember that it does you no good to pay these debts once they go to collections. You MUST get deletion in order to make it worth your money to pay.  

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