
Has anyone out there bought a kit home?

by  |  earlier

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I am looking into buying a kit home/prefab. I would like to hear from anyone who has done this and what the total costings were for the project.




  1. Not yet, but Potton will send you a breakdown for a specific design of theirs if you call them. The one we are interested in will be £140.000 including all doors an windows as specified in that design, speaking to our area manger that would be a higher spec than their basic - that is to complete, the actual basic house 'kit' is £42,000 inc erection. This is a 2 bed, 2 bath, dressing room, huge living/dining area and kitchen/utility, good wide, long hall, 1 and a half storey . Hope that helps, it's hard to say in a general way as it will depend exactly what you want! A Huf Haus, will cost a LOT more!

    edit: Oh, I'm so glad this isn't a log home, having read justwonderings answer!!!

  2. Have not bought one, but have been hired to help when the owners have  become overwhelmed.  Both were log home kits that said you could build them using a brace and bit (manual hand drill! - not in this life time!) to drill the logs for the plumbing and electrical.  Your best bet would be to ask the company to provide you with satisfied customers in your area, so you could see  the houses and get their opinions.

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