
Has anyone out there ever been converted by the power of Yahoo! Answers?

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Has anyone out there ever been converted by the power of Yahoo! Answers?




  1. I was still clinging to theism when I came to Y!A. I had left Christianity and was studying Paganism... and then when I came here, I left theism behind completely, and now I am an atheist.  

  2. Do you really expect all the answers to this will be truthful?

    You have just given an excellent opportunity to those intent on pushing propaganda for their own creed, or lack of it, to pretend they have now seen the light and been converted.

    With this in mind, I think a wise person would take all the answers with a pinch of salt.

  3. NO I haven't changed my views, but religious people have affirmed there is no god and they cannot get their story straight. Talk about blind leading the blind......

  4. I haven't, but there do seem to be a small proportion of people doing their best to make me diametrically opposed to thier particular Cults, by flagging any questions regarding their wussy and over-sensitive mindsets.

  5. I doubt it.

  6. I have--oh praise him---am now of the Church of the Jedi

  7. This question was asked a few days ago, and Gazoo said he knew 6 people who turned atheist.

  8. Interested, but converted  .. No.    

  9. VERY like the BBC Radio Merseyside call to ring in now:

    See last edit here:-

    C&P failed twice: see my last question, OK?

  10. boring

  11. I wouldn't know. I know someone from Y/A who has converted from Catholicism to Islam. I never changed, though I have gained knowledge and it has affirmed my views (Atheist, of course :D).

  12. There are a few personal bible studies started through this site.

    x x x

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