
Has anyone out there ever cheated to get revenge because they felt so betrayed?

by Guest59587  |  earlier

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Has anyone out there ever cheated to get revenge because they felt so betrayed?




  1. No, but I once worked with this female who wanted to cheat with me on her husband, because she found a video tape of her husband and a stripper at a bachelor party.  

  2. What? Someone does something wrong so you do it too? Respect yourself more than that and you'll be better off in the long run.

  3. I know that my father did when he found out my mother was unfaithful. Revenge never does anything for you, it only pours salt into the wound, at the same time ripping it up further.

  4. some will say "whats good for the goose is good for the gander".. but I follow more on "two wrongs don't make a right"

  5. Years ago,  I cheated on a boyfriend.   Who said he was going to go out and cheat on me.  Until the day he said he would, I hadn't thought about cheating on him.  He just said it, I went out and did it.

  6. then what? If you're a female, he calls you a s**t...if you're a male, your boys hype you up & say you scored. If you are a female, be a lady to the end, use your intellect to be MORE creative to get revenge. If you're a male, dump the s**t!

  7. no cheating is very bad

  8. No, because you will just be a unloving and betraying - which is something that hurt you and is wrong. Love isn't selfish. I don't believe that you should hurt your spouse just b/c they hurt you.

  9. No. I have thought about it, but ultimately it does no good, so I didn't. It'd just make me feel guilty.

  10. I was cheated on... but I never cheated to get revenge even though I wanted to... want to know why? because then you are going to be at their level and you are going to be the scumbag that they are... and when you leave and don't try to get revenge you are the better person and can always throw the fact that they cheated and that they don't deserve a person like you who DOESN'T CHEAT.

    So don't cheat... just walk away for good, and remember... once a cheater is always a cheater, no matter what they tell you.  

  11. There have been plenty who have done that. But it's just stupid, and reflects poorly on you.

  12. yes i have

    it was fun

  13. No because #1 my husband is faithful and so am I and even if he wasn't I would leave him so fast his head would spin. I do not believe two wrong makes a right.  

  14. I was cheated on but never cheated to get revenge. I never even thought about it.

  15. no that is childish just dump the person and move on. Two wrongs don't make a right.

  16. No.  I left those who betrayed me and never gave them another thought.  Why debase myself over someone who isn't worth it?

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