
Has anyone over 18 had their tonsils removed?

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I'm 23 and i just had my tonsils removed on Monday. I am still doing liquids and unable to do solids. If you had your tonsils removed as an adult/youg adult, how long did it take for you to be able to eat solid food and how long until you could work again?




  1. Hi there

    I had my Tonsils removed when i was 19. Was not a stroll in the park.Very sore as you know, i also had to go back in as one started bleeding........However it was 3/4 weeks before all started getting back together, i was made to eat solids while still in hospital.Only had the one morphine shot when i came round from operation....ohhhh i could of had one every six hours.Fine drug.

    All will be well.And once you get back together it will have been worth it.As i had dreadful sore throats/ infections before i had them out, probably same as you.

    Good luck                             MJC

  2. I didn't get mine out but my best friend did. He was 20 when he got his out (a second attempt mind you). It took him quite a while to get back up and running. I would say it took a bit over a week (maybe even two) for him to get all the way back to solid foods. He lost a ton of weight too. There were certain foods that he found he could eat early on which helped him out a lot. But its hard, recovery from a tonsillectomy is really hard and takes a long time when you are older. He was probably working before he was really eating solid foods. He felt pretty good but it was still a bit painful to eat was the problem. Goodluck and I hope you feel better!

  3. Hey you ... hope you start feeling better soon! Two of my sisters had their tonsils out last year (at 25 and 23) .. and they had very different experiences.

    One took 17 days before she was eating real solid foods. I remember about a week out was actually the worst for her. Like days 5-8, she was miserable and in tears a lot. She tried mashed potatoes around this time and it hurt too much. It was almost three weeks before she went back to class - and really back to normal.

    The other was back at work by the next week. It took her about eight days to recover .. and she was having chicken and mashed potatoes and biscuits by day nine and was back to sleeping in her bed. She was still told no strenuous activities, but she was doing pretty good, tho her throat was still sore.

    Hope you have a quick recovery! :)

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