
Has anyone ovulated on day 10 instead of day 14 if they have a 28 day cycle?

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My period is every 28 days,i had a very early miscarriage last month but this month i ovulated on day 10 instead of day 14?....any ideas would be great.




  1. My doctor has told me that we always get AF 2 weeks after we ovulate, so if you did in fact ovulate early, your period will be early.  

  2. are you POSITIVE you ovulated?? did u use opk? bbt charting?  If you did then you can expect your period would come about 4 days early this month (unless you get pregnant of course!!)

  3. Just because you have a 28 day cycle doesn't automatically mean you always ovulate on Day 14.  That is like a textbook cycle - books always use this as an average.

    You could very well have ovulated on Day 10.  

  4. I have never ovulated that early however, I have ovulated late (day 17-18) of a 28 day cycle. So, yes it's possible to ovulate early (or late).

    Stress, diet or simply a change in hormones  (such as a miscarriage) can do the trick.

    So, I would say that your period should arrive early as well.

  5. i have a 28 day cycle and ovulate on the 8th day. not everybody is the same and that is why it is so important to track fertility. everybody just assumes that the14th day is the magical one but it's just not the case always. regardless of the day you ovulated, if you have a 28 day cycle you should still expect your period on the 28th day.

  6. I usually ovulate on CD10 or CD11 and I have a 30 day cycle, so it is okay.  If you ovulate earlier than normal, it shouldn't make your period come any sooner.  Also, the longer luteal phase is good for possible pregnancy.  Good luck to you!

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