
Has anyone paid $845 for the NHFB personal trainer certification?

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A shell company claiming to be out of Aliso Viejo is offering personal trainers from to earn $50/hour training other trainers with no sales or quotas. Beware! They will ask you to fund your own job preparation, with the carrot being $1250/week. The office address from their web site is a vacant building and they have no standing with Gold's Gym.




  1. In what town did Beth work as PTI?

  2. What are you rambling on about? It is obvious you have been trying to get a job with them and it sounds as though they either passed you over or never called you back. Why would you waste your time posting on a site that isn't a forum, but a place where people come to get answers. Maybe you should just get over it and stop embarassing yourself.

  3. I agree. All of your posts do not make any sense. You are obviuosly a disgruntled employee and it's getting really annoying.

    Please go away.

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