
Has anyone played the game "Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader".?

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What do you think of this game? Do you have the Boardgame or the DVD Or CD? Which one is better to play? What store has the best deal on this game? Is there a website to play this game? Thank you in advance for your help and info.




  1. I got the board game for $25.00 at Target and yes I think its a lot of fun.. we have 2 fifth graders in our family so I thought it would be perfect ;-) The science and math questions can get hard at times.. but if you have had a good education you can get through them.

  2. I just played it last night with my family it is pretty boring and the ?'s arent as hard as the tv show I would do the dvd version for moreentrtainemntlast night I played the board and alll yu have to do is answer questions....I WON A MILLION DOLLARS!

  3. yes, ive played the mobile version

    it depressed me im not smarter than a 5th grader

    really makes you think about the fact they're teaching out children somewhat useless stuff

    but it's the point of making thier mind think so it can grow

    but they should teach things that are usefull

    like a class based on health/medical instead of history which isn't used much unless you need to play that game or go on who wants to be a millionare

  4. I played it with my brother-in-law's family this Christmas.  It was the board game version.  It was fine; not something I myself would purchase,  but good for one time.

    A better game would be The New Yorker; we also played this at my brother-in-law's house, and everyone loved it.  I'm definitely purchasing this one myself.

  5. no i have not sorry

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