
Has anyone prescribed Metformin for ovulation and have problems taking it?

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The doctor prescribed me metformin and clomid since I am not ovulating. Which was fine but when I started taking the Metformin as prescribed my sugars dropped to low.I am not a diabetic or anything and I was just wondering if anyone else exprienced this? I called the physician and she said oh your one of those don't take it anymore. Its not necessary as long as you take the clomid.

Thoughts on this?




  1. I took clomid, for the same reason, the only annoying thing was i had to wait for a period to start taking it which i could go six months without seeing one!!! once i started taking though i was pregnant 3 months later.  The Metformin on the other hand is for Diabetics, i really don't understand why you were prescribed this, and i suppose it can be dangerous if not taken properly!!!! Go back to the GP and ask why you was on it? But it definately isn't for the ovulation!!!  Good luck

  2. Metformin is commonly given to help you ovulate.  Yes, it is a diabetes drug, but they have found out that it has a side effect of causing some women who are not ovulating to ovulate.  Metformin can also cause women who do not have regular cycles to become more regular.

    That being said, since it is a diabetic drug, it can lower blood sugars in some people.  I am insulin resistant (pre-diabetes), and they prescribed metformin and clomid.  Everything was fine; then I joined Weight Watchers and started eating better and less.  My sugars got dangerously low, so I had to cut CLEAR back on the amount of metformin I took.  I now am taking only 850mg, instead of the 1500 they wanted me on.

    Anyway, since you are on Clomid, that should make you ovulate, but the metformin is just an "extra boost" that you don't need, especially if you were getting low blood sugars.

    Good luck--baby dust!

  3. It happened to me - so I just had to make sure I ate more regularly than I would have otherwise. I used to skip breakfast, or eat it like at 10 a.m., and with taking the metformin I had to make sure I had food in my stomach all the time - yes, healthy stuff - but even having soda crackers.

    Depends how long you were on the metformin as well. The first weeks - months - of being on it are not pleasant at all.

    I'm concerned your dr. just told you on the phone to stop, and didn't want to have you tested...

  4. I was prescribed metformin and clomid, we are ttc#1 and i have pcos. the metformin did a number on my stomach the first wek or so but its not so bad nwo

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