
Has anyone purchased a Ghost in a Bottle?

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If so, what happened? Did you feel sorry for the poor trapped ghost and open it? Did spooky things happen? I'm thinking of buying one just for fun.




  1. I think we might have found the new pet rock concept here...

    Two questions;

    1. Why would they put the ghost in a bottle which is remarkably similar to a bottle of HP sauce.

    2. It says you get to name the ghost. Wouldn't the ghost already have a name?

  2. Ghosts no.  Spirits yes, and frequently. :-)

  3. Personally, I think it is fake. But if it were true, It would be cruel. And I would imagine that if a ghost had been tricked into being bottled for who knows how long, they would be ultra pissed when they did get out!!!

  4. LOL............out loud...........

    Too funny.

    I'm sure if some one were to label a bottle that the "spirit" were raised from a Ouija board, they could sell it for more money.

    I'm surprised the celebrities haven't bottled their designer farts for $1500.00 a shot.

  5. No I have not, and since this is not a common reported phenomenon its not valid. If ghost are said to pass through solids then how can they be contained within a solid? Hoax, I don't believe those testimonials.

    But I'll love to by one

  6. *I can't believe people are so gullible. Do people really believe there is a ghost in a bottle. Correct me if I am wrong but it appears to me that ghost hunting, paranormal investigating is the new televangelism of the century. Remember the days when television waves were full of fake healers and prophets who sold miracle water and holy handkerchiefs?

    Now I am not knocking religion but we all know there were fakers getting rich off people who believed. I am thinking the same thing is happening now in the paranormal field.


  7. Do you honestly think a ghost is in a bottle? lol  If you were a ghost,,would you go into a bottle for someones personal gain.  Probably

    Now if they are selling genie's in a bottle,,I'd rather have one of

  8. !!!!!!!LMAO!!!!!!!*gasping holding sides*

    Dude!  What a cheap and easy way to make some money, LOL!  It did give me an idea for a REALLY cheap x-mas present though.....I'll probably save the twenty bucks though and use an empty wine bottle that I have laying in the bottom of my closet.

  9. Ha! ha!  I have never heard of this before!  How cute!  I may purchase one just to make my mother in-law REALLY wonder about me.  Hey!  I could take my little ghost in a bottle to her house and open it there to see what would happen!  I, too, would be interested in hearing if anyone else has partaked on this venture.

  10. No, but I'm finding it hard to believe people are willing to purchase empty bottles for $20. I think I just discovered a way to beat the market with my own price of just $15!

  11. I've never bought a ghost in a bottle.I have purchased spirits in a bottle.They are tricksters,at first you have a lot of fun with them.Then they cause you to behave in embarrassing ways.The next day they get into your head and start pounding.

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