
Has anyone purchased video equipments from site and your experienced?

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I am looking for a Canon HG10 Hard Disk Drive High Definition Camcorder. I found most others well know sites sell it for approx. $800.00, but this site have it in stock for less than $500.00 It stated the camcorder carry a 1 YEAR USA Warranty. I never purchased anything from this site, please help.... thanks




  1. This place, and their connected web of places, deserves their three minutes of fame - as the SCAMMERS IN AN INVESTIGATIVE NEWS SEGMENT.

    DON'T DO IT!  They are apparently scam artists, similar to and their roughly 20 other stores in Brooklyn.  Not sure if they're the same people, but I wouldn't be surprised.

    Here's what they do:

    -You place your order online, with your credit-card number.

    -They e-mail you, saying that they need you to call to confirm your order.

    -You call, and they tell you that the STANDARD (according to manufacturer) battery and charger are NOT included, and they cost extra (making the total cost more than what you'd pay a reputable dealer).

    -If you don't take the so-called "upgrades," your camera will magically become out-of-stock, and your order canceled; but they STILL HAVE YOUR CREDIT-CARD NUMBER!  Some victims have found fraudlent purchases on their credit cards soon after purchase (or canceled purchase).


    Just don't do it.  Go to B&H instead.  I have NEVER HAD ANY PROBLEM with B&H, except a small misunderstanding by a salesman about a software version.  The problem was easily fixed.  Other than that, ALL of my dealings with them have been PERFECT.  Their prices are also among the best around.


    Some horror stories from this place:

    Proof of their planted ratings:

    If you see good reviews about this place, they are almost certainly planted.  Note that these good reviews don't appear on trusted sites like CNET.

    OK, my rant is done for now, I think you get the message.

    In short, be VERY careful ordering online from anyone like this.  They keep creating new websites to avoid all the bad reviews their other sites are getting (and the Better Business Bureau's unsatisfactory ratings).  They are bait-and-switch artists who will steal your credit-card number.  THEY ARE OPERATING ILLEGALLY.

    I hate to get carried away, but I wonder where all that money is going?  Makes you think.  I'm surprised these guys are still in business.  The NYPD (and maybe FBI and Dept. of Homeland Security??) should be all over them.

  2. Be VERY careful when you find a price that far different. You might want to search for them over in the area - or post the same question there.

    If it seems to good to be true, it usually is...

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