
Has anyone put a finger on the Saudi for spreading terror through Madras schools?

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madras are schools world wide that breeds fanatical fundamentalist and terrorist. The school teaches hatred where death and terror to non believers are as common as praying 5 times a day.




  1. unfortunately its not just the Saudis...

  2. Soldiers Of God in Christian Jesus Camps are also active against abortion among other things. That is they operate in The U.S.A.

    There this then to consider which perhaps we should all quit lying to ourselves and not think that any political party, religion, love will help us as everything will be gone even The Fundamentalists.  So then while opportunity lasts let us deal with what we can do like fossil fuels and then get out of this Universe at some later date bringing some animals along with us before it implodes.

  3. The Saudis aren't the only ones Pakistan is a hot bed of this type of activity and until it is stopped; and should be no matter how, we won't see an end to terrorism.

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