
Has anyone put any thought into personality classes?

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out of curiousity i took this test that classes u a guardian, artist, rationalist, or idealist.

for starters i think i havent really etched my opinions in stone yet. iam still just testing myself in the world right now. theres a bunch of questions like do you have a made up mind or a vivid imagination. i cant descide these for sure cause it seems like parts of my life calls for both like my job.

anyways the first test i took i answered more how iam at work, i operate a plant so everything is facts, and orderly. and with learning and the need to listen and being a bit quite around groups of people. i got classed as a guardian. however reading that guardians are like police men etc ( people who follow rules, justice, morals). i really dont want to be one of these cant think for themselves guided, cookie cut people. and i think before i got this plant job i was working to be more open minded, more outspoken, adventurous.

so i took the test again answering more or less what i thought interested me, and who iam so far as honest as i could b. i classes a rational. which i think is the mind set ive attained to figure out how a plant works along with how i can b independant in my life and job. some things like skeptical, strong willed, cold and distant, fierce independant mind, all make sense.

iam really interested in independance, freedom of speech, the unknown, self belief, questioning everything

i really hate dependance, emotional people, rules, authority, being forced to fit in,

basically ive become fierecly independant, ambituosly driven to suceed in the work place, but my social fun life has taken a back seat big time. what do u make of this/




  1. To have a good life you have to balance it out. To me it sounds like you've given all your time and devotion into building who you are as a person, and in turn as you said, killed your social life.

    I don't think any test can tell you what personality you have, most on the part of people's lack of honesty to. Usually it becomes less of what you are and more of what you'd wish to achieve.

    Maybe you should consider giving less thought as to precisely defining your character in more into just living your life. What does knowing your exact personality really do for you in life? It seems from what you described as your personality traits as of now, is that your becoming quite a solid, defined, un-aware person.

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