
Has anyone put on weight after having a baby???

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My son is nearly 6 months. I just gab what I can on the run and expected weight to fall off as I'm always on the go walking with the pram or housework etc. I'm going back to work and I know it will fall off then but has anyone experienced this???




  1. of course, i have a 15 month old and all i do is fluctuate

  2. that's why you have put weight on, eating on the go means you end up eating lost more than you actually think, more than if you sat down to proper meals, also its more likely to be unhealthy fattening food you eat on the go. just make sure you eat 3 proper meals a day and they weight will sort its self out over time, never eat on the go as you will always think you haven't eaten much when you probably have eaten loads without realising it as you've eaten it in throughout the day.

  3. Yes I have put on a lot more than when i was pregnant. I put it down to being at home all day near the fridge. Also, i eat when I am bored. I can't wait to get back to work. Just 3 more weeks! Yay.

  4. The exact same happened to me! after i had my daughter i was straight back in to my old jeans but the older she gets the bigger i seem to get yet i'm doing more exercise than before as i'm always out and about walking plus we go swimming twice a week! now she is getting older thou i'm starting to have more time for myself so am starting to do proper exercise  

  5. yes, i did i was supper skinny before my baby like 110 lbs. and now in 140 lbs also cause im expecting my 2nd baby

  6. I have a soon to be 4 month old and have noticed I don't seem to be losing much of anything besides sleep. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I'm not as active as I was pre-baby. Also grabbing something quick while my angel sleeps tends to lead me to quick meal fixes that are no where as healthy as I should be eating.  

  7. this happened to me with my daughter, but i soon lost it after i started really exercising.  

  8. Lots of people do because it is so eady to eat the way you did while pregnant.  You can't eat whatever you crave anymore.

  9. Its more common to gain weight then lose it. Yes i have experienced this with two children.

    You need to realise that once you have carried a child, your body is never the same as before.

    Why not purchase something like wii fit which is fun and can be done at home etc

    Dont put all your hopes on losing weight at work, it can take time to shift : )

  10. With all 3 of my kids at first i lost all kinds of weight, but then as sleepless nights caught up with me, i found myself gaining weigth mainly because i was to tired to excerise and would end up snacking in the middle of night when i was up with the baby.  i'm hoping to not make the  same mistakes this time.

  11. I'm still trying to lose weight........I think will take really a bit time. I am now on my 10th week after delivery still I can't used my old pair of jeans.

  12. Are you breastfeeding or bottle-feeding? If you're bottle feeding it's to be expected that you will take longer to lose weight, and maybe even gain some in the beginning because you are accustomed to eating so much more. If you're breastfeeding there's a good chance you'll lose whatever is left once you stop breastfeeding (to my understanding you keep a little something extra throughout the breastfeeding period and then drop it once you stop breastfeeding because it isn't needed any more). In my personal experience breastfeeding, there have been times I gained weight and then times I lost it, but each time I lose I lose more than I actually gained... so little by little it's working it's way off, and it seems to fluctuate with my son's demands, the most weight loss being when he's going through a growth spurt. I never pigged out during my pregnancy, and I don't pig out now - that is to say, I follow my stomach's cues. There are some days that I have to eat more because my son is demanding more from me. *But* I do eat healthy food (lots of whole grains and fruits, veggies, lean meats and dairy, etc.).

    If you're struggling with the need to munch, there are some great things you can use that will be a lot more healthy for you - like if you want something crunchy, try a Nature Valley granola bar. There's something about granola in which it's very satisfying and energizing - probably the combination of rice (filling) and oats (energizing). Or if you're wanting something sweet, try various types of fruit - strangely enough you can even try eating pure pie filling as 1/3 a cup is 100 calories and loaded with vitamin C (something I found out with great pleasure when I was pregnant, lol). Also, when you're doing things such as housework, are you going about it leisurely or like you're in a marathon? Housework isn't a very suitable form of exercise if it goes along slowly, but it's great if you go at a nice, quick pace. Music helps a lot, too.

    You say that you grab what you can on the run. What is that? Is it healthy, or is it something like snack cakes, potato chips, or fast food? You definitely won't get anywhere with that kind of diet. Another way you won't get anywhere is if you're starving yourself, as then your body sets off an alarm so to speak and starts trying to hoard as much fat as possible from what you do eat. This also leads to a serious lack of energy.

    One last thing - your stomach toning up and the skin going back to normal will take a long, long time.  

  13. i have never had a problem with weight before i got pregnant, i would never put it on but if i did it would fall off easily but since giving birth its been really hard to shift those last few pounds, i gave up for a while as i was so tired and i walked briskly for 30 mins every day and still nothing!now i feel motivated again and have started using my wii fit to tone up my waist and thighs, its great as my daughter sits beside me either in her baby gym or play ring so shes entertained and happy while i exercise and she laughs at me jumping around like an idiot!i think you need to do specific exercises to tone up, yes you'll lose the extra weight from working but you may still be flabby and thats were things like sit-ups or waist twists will help!

  14. i lost weight after having my daughter, day after coming home from hospital my jeans would not fit, they kept falling down.  now I'm back to my weight before my pregnancy. took hard work to maintain my weight but every night when sarah goes to sleep, i skip for a half hour, and do sit ups, its worth it to keep myself in shape and feeling good. i couldn't see myself just waiting to see if weight falls off.

  15. my boy is 6 months and i still have about 15 lbs stuck on me- i've started running in the last month or so, cuz i do not want this extra weight on me permanently

  16. I think I'm gaining weight because I'm breastfeeding - perhaps not gaining but certainly not losing.  I know some people say that breastfeeding makes you lose weight but research suggests that you actually hold on to the weight in case you can't get access to food to convert into breast milk - and I know that many of us talk about the incredible hunger and thirst that can go with breast feeding.  In evolutionary tems of course that makes far more sense - so the weight should hopefully start to come off once you stop breastfeeding - along with the appetite reduction.  

    I have an 8 week old and I've started doing long walks so hopefully that should kick start a bit of weight reduction.  I'm not planning on stopping breast feeding just yet so I'm happy to accept I'll be a bit heavier for at least the next few months.  I've also got rid of all the unhealthy stuff and filled the place with fruit and veg.  I can still inhale a Crunchie though!

  17. Not me..

    In fact, I'm still losing weight since I had my son. He's a little over 2 months old now and I lose 2-5 lbs per week. I'm already back to my (near) pregnancy size and still losing! But I'm breastfeeding exclusively also so that may have something to do with my weight loss too.

    Are you bottle feeding or breastfeeding? That may be your culprit.

    Good luck sweetie! <3

  18. No it must just be you.  The rest of us stayed slim an sylph like without eating healthily and taking additional exercise.

    Does eating on the run consist of  crisps, chocolate, biscuits, cakes???

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