
Has anyone read Cindy Ella?

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If so, i would like to no if they ever mentioned in the book what she looks like.




  1. I do know that she is 5'3 inches

    and she has frizzy/curly blonde hair.

  2. Robin Palmer Intervewed By Book Chic  

    1) How did you get the idea for "Cindy Ella"?

    My agent asked me if I had ever thought about writing in the YA genre, and I told her I hadn't, but that I'd see if anything came up. Around that time I had been reading a lot about fairy tales from a psychological point of view, and a few days later I was walking down the street and had this image of .....

    a teenage girl with curly blonde hair and flip-flops.....

    and knew it was Cindy Ella.

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