
Has anyone read the "run you car on water manual"?

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Has anyone read the "run you car on water manual"?




  1. Nope, it hasn't been published yet. You should try it & let me know what happens.

  2. Yeah and they busted it on mythbusters too.  Nice dream.  One day it can happen.

  3. Many thousands of people have read that manual - and if they paid money for it, they were scammed.

    You can't run your car on water, nor can you use electrolysis of water to improve its gas-mileage.

    This is just a huge scam that is built on a massive network of affiliates who don't have these systems but claim to, and lie about it in order to trick others into parting with their cash.

    Look at the youtube video I've linked to below, then visit the site mentioned and read all the pages published about this scam there.

    I've performed tests that proves that this concept is a scam - for a start, there is just no such thing as HHO.  All you get from electrolysis is hydrogen and oxygen gases (H2 and O2).  There is no way you can bond hydrogen and oxygen molecules to form HHO -- because when you do, you just get water (H2O) and you can't burn that.

    The TV show 60 Minutes is doing a piece on these scams and they're coming to my workshop to film my tests.  These tests prove conclusively that the science is correct and the scammers are nothing but fraudsters.

    I'll be publishing the details of my tests and the results on the website.

    So if you're thinking of wasting money on those books or kits, forget it.  Go buy a lottery ticket instead - at least they're honest about taking your money.

  4. u know it would be a lot easier and a lot cheaper to buy a fuel cell car

  5. No but it has been done...some inventor brought it to Akron Ohio and did a demonstration on it..he also had a lwn mower and a weed eater..all running on water/steam, This was about 2 -3 years back..It was in all the newspapers in Ohio but on one of the inside pages..after that he and his invention was never heard of since....Dont recall his name sorry but its been done and it works..not from your book but from his own invention

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