
Has anyone read this about biased adoption counseling with an agency?

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If you are considering adoption, be aware that these factors come into play in most agencies!!

what do you think about this?




  1. It is good to get a glimpse into the cold heart of the agencies, to hear what the bottom line is, to hear what the expectant mother never hears. I've worked for many non-profits and know that, of course, they need to make money, but also that ethics are usually of significant importance to the organization. There is no excuse, especially when human lives are involved.

    Thanks again for the link!

  2. There is something very wrong when 'free enterprise' includes dealing  in human lives

    I'm interested in that address florida gal.  Women need all the support and unbiased help they can get when they are in a vulnerable state and the more resources we can give them, the better.  Thanks so much.

  3. Ugh.  Not surprising, but oh how I wish it weren't true.  How the people in these agencies can live with themselves is beyond me.

    But, I guess it's like this former counselor said, when she finishes her day, it's all the same for HER.

    As usual, it's the innocent child who takes the hit, that often has life-long ramifications.


  4. Chilling, right?

    And yet still people will deny. The social workers themselves can say that there's a conflict of interest, that ethics aren't given the priority they should have, and that there is pressure towards adoption... but STILL people will say that the system is just fine, moms aren't pressured in any way into relinquishing, and adoption agency counseling is perfectly appropriate.

    This is one of the largest agencies in the country. Their own ex workers are speaking out about unethical practices.

    I am waiting with bated breath to hear how people will twist this......

  5. That was really brave of her to post. And ethical of her to quit.

    At first I also thought she was saying that she is a first mom as well as a counselor, but after reading the comments I think she was just a counselor. Don't think she would ever have lasted as long as she did if she had lost her child also. And I don't think they would have hired her, either. I would like to think they would have, but I don't think so.

    Sigh. And the thing of it is, I don't think anyone started out trying to exploit women and take their babies for a profit. But some of them did end up doing that. How do they live with themselves?

  6. I think it is very sad and very scary.

  7. Hadn't read it before, but makes me feel even more comfortable about our decision to go  the foster to adopt route.  The first goal is for the child to go back with it's parents or relatives and only after there is no chance for that child to go back, will we be able to adopt.

  8. Thank you for posting this. I thought about it.

  9. I'm not suprised either.... we did a private adoption, but still needed the agency for many things including the birthparent counceling.... She was shown hundreds of "dear b-parent" letters and told that they could find her a better match EVEN BEFORE THEY HAD MET US.  They had "richer", "better looking" families. They wanted that placement fee.. Plain and simple.

    When we met she told me that she didn't want to use an agency to place, 'cause she didn't want someone to SELL her baby.

    This is why the couceling should be done by a NON-BIAS party.

    There is a "women's crisis center" I donate to,  they offer free pregnancy tests.. Anyway It gets their foot in the door (in a good way) with newly pregnany women. They TRULEY let them know their options including ALL forms of welfare and help. They give the expectant mothers baby items and when the baby is born they get a crib, carseat and tons of loving support. We donate baby items to this group, if anyone is interested in helping just ask me and I'll give you the addess.

  10. no surprises there...

    If people don't understand that even "not for profit" agencies are in it for the money, they are deluding themselves.

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