
Has anyone read this parenting book? Is it good?

by Guest33579  |  earlier

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It was recomended to me, by a pediatrician that has 5 boys!!! And 1 girl! (i know, AAAHHHHH)

Book is called: 123 MAGIC by Thomas W. Phelan...

Does anyone know, is this a good book? I have a VERY stubborn 18month old, and I dont want to waste my time, or his reading a book that isnt going to help EITHER of us!




  1. Have you used time-outs successfully before?  If you have, I don't know that it adds much--it is a very simplistic and somewhat repetitive explanation of how to do time-outs using one style.  It won't be a waste of time if you haven't had good luck with time outs or haven't tried them. It is clear, easy to read, and you only have to read a few chapters, not the whole thing, to understand the system.  Why don't you check it out at the library and read two chapters, then decide whether to keep reading?

  2. I haven't, but since pediatricians don't get behavioral training in medical school unless they specifically seek it out, I don't go to them for parenting advice.

    You might try asking this question on the forums.  Those mamas are very wise!

    I personally loved The Discipline Book: How to Have A Better Behaved Child From Birth to Age Ten, by Martha and Dr. William Sears

  3. Almost any parenting book on the topic would be helpful.  The one you mentioned is pretty popular although I haven't read it, another one that is a bit shorter is Kid Cooperation, by Elizabeth Pantley.  You could go to a library and see what they have.

    Maybe the comments on these links would help you make up your mind.

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