
Has anyone read this story today? Where the blazes did common sense go?

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I find it hard to believe that people could be so stupid as follow the rules to this extent. If this woman cares for her son at home, why can't she travel with him in the car?

Sorry, but Britain really has gone to the dogs.

When i go home on holiday I'm afraid to open my mouth.

Esther Rantzen said today that students can't say " brainstorm" anymore for fear of offending epileptics, where will it all end ?




  1. I'm speechless!!!! As you say, where has common sense gone? Somebody is responsible for making this stupid decision and it beggars belief that they are actually paid to make ridiculous decisions like this. The worlds going bloody mad.

  2. That just about takes the biscuit, I don't quite know what to say I'm flabbergasted.

    Edit; Ignorance of the law is no defence some one said, did you read the story, ITS HIS MOTHER, not a total stranger. What next police checks on all parents before they can pick up their kids from school, or take them on holiday, get a grip.

  3. Yet another jobsworth. If there was a world championship for jobsworths, Britain would win hands down.

  4. Ridiculous

  5. The UK is being run by ineffectual intellectuals who have degrees coming out of their backsides but no commonsense who have got into positions of powers by wheedling their way there  and if that wasnt bad enough trying to govern similar who sue at the drop of a penny over the slightest.

    Together with money, grabbing lawyers who fan the flames.

  6. Someone must have left it up on the coconut trees with self lack of knowledge.

    Luke 11.33-36,46-52

    While children the young one were blindly searching for it.

    Without being aware of the emptiness in their lives.

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    How they keep on climbing up the coconut trees and could not find it.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    The reality and horrors on what went wrong out there with the young one being expose in time after the mystery of us-911.

    Exodus 20.5

    What do you think?

  7. The rules in this country are getting more and more extreme.  It makes you wonder where it will all end.  Soon, we will all have to just stay indoors, sitting still and not talking, just to make sure we dont break any laws.  Its absolutely ridiculous.

  8. Political correctness gone mad.

    Another illustration of the failure of woolly liberalism.

  9. Let's see if I understand this correctly. She has BEEN traveling with her son in the past. She is trained to care for him and is his mother. So far, so good. Now is this a NEW RULE or has it been in place and just not enforced in the past?

    Now if it has been in fact a rule for some time, then the mother should have addressed this before now. If it is a new rule, then the council should make some arrangements for her to continue to travel with her son until the background check is complete.

    Ignorance of the law is no defense. I am sure she knew about this before now and it was her responsibility to do what needed to be done.

    As far as all this 'political correctness B.S.' it has gotten too far out of hand. There has to be an end to it somewhere. It seems one can change the meaning of words to suit themselves and their interests and that's ridiculous.

  10. Its a world gone mad........

    Next you know we will have to be passed by the government to go out with our own kids.

  11. Give them a little power and stupid government employees will demonstrate they have no common sense. You shouldn't call students students anymore because it may offend them to think they have something to learn.

  12. That is crazy

  13. The lunatics really have taken over the asylum, what a set of nob heads, Esther Rantzen as done some good work in the past but like others before her she is losing credibility by talking c**p, retire Esther and let us remember how you were before you died, if anyone has had a police check recently I would be more concerned I have grave and serious issues with the way they perceive their jobs of late.

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