
Has anyone realized that if we leagalize and tax marijuana we could save social security?

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Has anyone realized that if we leagalize and tax marijuana we could save social security?




  1. You are thinking TOOOOOO small.  Legalize everything, tax it, and put safeguards in place.

    Legalize LSD, but take away the ability to ever get an operators permit.

    Legalize prostitution, but make sure health checks for both the John and Jane were in place.  John cannot hire Jane if John is 'sick' and vice-versa.

    Legalize murder then tax it.   If the rich get away with murder, then people can come together to pay the killing tax.  Rich people can then pay a protection tax.  If they p**s off people again, then the public can pay the killing tax.  You think lobbyist rich Democrats and Republicans can continue to p**s off people and STILL have their millions of $$$$$$$$$$$'s by doing that?

    Once again, legalize everything, put proper safeguards in place, and tax all human vices.

    If you find any of the previous quote morally reprehensible, then good; we need more thinking people.  If you agree with the previous, then good; start talking to your Legislative Representative.

  2. Since technically drug sale profits are legally taxable now, how would that change anything.  Sure, all the sellers would line up to pay their taxes......

  3. This is a good point.  And by the way, a stoned driver is not as dangerous as a drunk driver.  It's hard to do any real damage when you're driving 8 mph.

  4. Good idea.

  5. I'm in, where do I sign up?

  6. If dope dealers aren't paying income and social security taxes now on their illegal self employment income, what makes you think that placing a tax on dope will ensure compliance?

  7. It'll never happen. The Liquor lobbies are much too strong to allow it to be legalized and cut into their profits. They're probably who worked to get the stuff banned in the first place.

  8. Governor Richardson of New Mexico proposed that exact idea.  And it would stop the jails from filling with non-violent offenders.  

    What the police want is some "analyzer" so they can stop a stoned driver.  A stoned driver is a risk to the public, just like a drunk.

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