I got a call today from 619-516-4276, they called me 3 times an left a voicemail to call 800-369-1010, so I called I was told they got my name and number from a draw I filled out at the Edards Movie Theater in Aliso Viejo (which I did) and that I was in the top 5 to win 1 out of the following 5 prizes:
Cadillac Escalade or $100,000 (cash)
Trip to Hawaii
Tip to Vegas
Home Theater System
They told me I had to attend a 90 min presentation (time share, I suppose) and there is no obligation to buy. I have to go to a place in Newport Beach, CA (Pacific Monarch) and then after the 90 min presentation I would have to scratch one of those cards and my prize would be revealed.
I looked up online, some places say it's a rip-off, some say it's legit... I actually wanna know if someone EVER heard about this and/or if someone won the $100,000 or the car.