
Has anyone received a personal check from someone they don't know?

by  |  earlier

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I received a personal, legit check from someone I DON'T know. NO ONE I know has my home address besides my fiance. It was shipped UPS, next day, to make sure it got in my hands. If I knew what it was I wouldn't have signed for it. It was a check well over $2000, and where I stay, nothing is in my name, and I just moved here 6 months ago. I did have a job for like a week and a half. I don't know if they got my address that way, but they stay on the other side of the country and we did a background check on the person, nothing bad and I even know who he was married to and currently married to. Should I contact the police...take it as a blessing... use the number I have from the person and contact them. I have no idea what to do, this is sooo weird. I won't deposit the money, but if I do decide to use it I will only cash it.




  1. I once received a cheque from a company, for - converted into US dollars would be about $5.

    I puzzeled and wonderd over why this had been sent to me, then, after a while it dawned on me it was a refund for some broken washing machine at a laudarette that I had put money into. I had filled in a complaints form and stuck it onto the macine, not really expecting anything, and about a year later they paid me.  

  2. I recieved a postal money order a few weeks back from across the country it was over $3,000. They told me that they just wanted to help me out and told me that I was to only deposit it into my account. But i got worried and I took it to the post office and they informed me that it was fake and if i would've deposited it the counterfitters would have removed the real cash from my account and I would have been held accountable for paying the money back. So just be careful because some people do very evil things to others for no reason.I have no idea how this person found me , but they know my moms address, my address, and my email address. I tried to print the emails for the police but they wouldn't print so watch out. I wish you the best

  3. Contact them and ask why they sent it.  If it's a legitimate reason that you just forgot about, then go ahead and deposit it.  Do NOT cash it, and do not spend the money until you're positive it has cleared.  Tell the bank you you're not sure if it's good or not.  That way they can check into it further and let you know when it's cleared.  

    If you cash it, and it bounces, or is fake, you'll be responsible for paying the bank back.  They could also press charges because you knew there was a possibility it was a fraud.

    Here's the problem with you doing a background check on the person who sent it to you....if the check is fake, you most certainly do NOT have the name of the true person who sent it to you.  Mystery sender is s******g you, and the sender named on the check.

  4. Call the number on the check or look up the name on the check. If you still fill it is not real go to the police they can help you or to the bank they also can help with things. There are people who do send money to strangers just for fun but chances are this could not be one of those times. You would hate to cash it and it not be real and the money taken from you. If you cash it and it is not real you still would owe the bank. Good luck.  


    The ploy is for you to deposit/cash that check, so they can get your account information through the transaction, and then be able to steal your identity.  At a minimum, they can verify your new address and possibly change it to redirect credit card offerings and such to them to use.

    I would just destroy the check.  The name on the check is fake, as the only thing on that check that may be valid is the account number at the bottom (so they can track you).  The authorities would not know what to do with that check since it may be a valid one.  I would not contact the sender since that is also a way for them to gain some information on you.

    Good luck!

  6. If you don't know them, don't cash the check.  Clearly you're not comfortable with anyone knowing your personal info and by cashing that check, (even if it truly is legitimate), the person who sent it will have what may be more info about you than your are comfortable with.

  7. No.

  8. You sound like you know what it is about. I would cash the check and then put it into a cd. That way, if something happens and they want to claim the money back then you still have the money, and have been making money on it in the mean time.

    Not sure what this is about, I've never heard of it. Is it one of those mail scams?

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