I received a personal, legit check from someone I DON'T know. NO ONE I know has my home address besides my fiance. It was shipped UPS, next day, to make sure it got in my hands. If I knew what it was I wouldn't have signed for it. It was a check well over $2000, and where I stay, nothing is in my name, and I just moved here 6 months ago. I did have a job for like a week and a half. I don't know if they got my address that way, but they stay on the other side of the country and we did a background check on the person, nothing bad and I even know who he was married to and currently married to. Should I contact the police...take it as a blessing... use the number I have from the person and contact them. I have no idea what to do, this is sooo weird. I won't deposit the money, but if I do decide to use it I will only cash it.