
Has anyone received their Hogwarts letter yet?

by  |  earlier

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September is approaching but I still haven't got my letter!! What do I do??




  1. LOL! Yes, I got mine. However, you haven't received your letter maybe cuz Prof. McGonagal got tricked into using Errol again ... where's George? Sigh. Which house are you in?


    (this was so cute I just had to answers)

  2. I'm 15 and I've still not received my letter. I'm sure it's just a late acceptance. Maybe they lost my record. THAT HAS TO BE IT!

  3. lol

  4. nope id be out of my 7th year by now

  5. Yes I have. I am so exited because my mom just got me an owl. It is black and the quickest there is. Professor McGonagall is very strict about shoes these days...they must be black, or you will be suspended...Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this response.

                                                  Until next time,

                                                   Barry Lotter

  6. i've been waiting for about 6 years now. they are really lacking vis-a-vis punctuality in the postal department.

  7. awwww so cute your so funny i cant wait to get mine im super excited

    god you all have three chromosomes on your twentyfirst pair

  8. The owl who was supposed to send it probably got lost.

    That's what happened to me.

    Don't worry, it will arrive shortly.

  9. I'm going into the chamber of secrets this year.

  10. Storm the castle.  

  11. I'm a squib in 12th grade. I recieved a letter from the Ministry saying, "Pack your bags, you're going to Azkaban."

    That's what you get for naming your kid Voldemort.

    (I'd eOWL the headmaster to see what's up with your letter. You never know, they probably sent an owl who doesn't know English.)

  12. Alas no, apparently I'm too old to attend.  I wonder if I can find a de-aging potion in Diagon Alley

  13. Complain to the people at Warner Bros. about the delayed release of Harry Potter 6!

  14. are you the proper age? i got my letter!

  15. Last month. Jealous much?

  16.   I think that you should go to the ministry.  hermione shouid still be there, I'm sure that she can find an article or book explaining late acceptance and delayed owls.

  17. Yes I have!! Don't worry 'cause you can always owl Professor Longbottom to see if they had made a mistake! What year are you going into? Huh? What's your house? Do you like quidditch? And do I sound like a 5 year old on a sugar rush??

  18. I haven't.

    But it's coming, I swear!

    It's just late. Three years late.


  19. I think your Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia has something to do in a conspiracy to get you away from Hogwarts. Make sure to look out for owls though. Dumbledore will soon be flooding your house with them.

    See ya in Hogwarts!

  20. Yes! I got mine!

  21. Hilarious!

  22. I havent gotten mine either! Im supposed to be entering my 5th year, but I guess my owl just errr... got lost, but it will come, and urs will too.

    See you at Hogwarts.

  23. LOL this made me laugh :)

  24. Oh my! Really? I got mine two years ago!! It depends, are you muggle born, because I'm a Half-Blood.

    Don't worry, just re-read the Harry Potter series again, that's what I did :)

    (if still upset, just complain to Warner Brothers okay)

  25. Haha. Cute.

  26. Check and see if Errol is passed out by your window, it happened to me.  

  27. whut?? are you talking about the school or for the book or for umm, the movie??

  28. *sigh*  why do people keep asking this question?

  29. Harry Potter is stupid.

  30. Of course I have! I'll be a 5th year this year. ;)

  31. I'm a Muggle,so I don't know what you're talking about. lol

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