
Has anyone received their economic stimulus payment from back child support due?

by  |  earlier

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My ex is behind on support and informed me I would be getting his 2007 income tax refund as well as the stimulus payment. The child support office shows the money in process but I haven't received it. Does anyone know how long the process is perhaps from receiving it in previous years? Would be nice to have a timeline but I haven't found one on back child support yet.




  1. if you mean the child support agency has gotten the check then you should get it in a few days,that's the only way they know the check has been taken is when they get it.

    if they hasn't gotten it yet,then it can take from 30 days to 6 months if he's married and filed a joint return,then 6 months,if not 30 days.

  2. First the child support office that holds your case MUST tell the IRS that he owes back support, how much, his social, etc. Then when he files his return his social will be flagged in the IRS system. Next the IRS will HOLD up to his entire refund (depending on what he owes to you), but no more than he owes to you for a mandatory 3 months. They do this just in case there is an injured spouse or other legal claim filed. After the 3 month waiting period is up, the IRS will send the amount that they held to the child support office that requested it. The child support office then has to update their records, & they are allowed to hold it for an additional 120 days if they so choose. The cs office is not required to hold it that long, but can if they want to. THEN it gets sent to you like any other normal payment.

  3. Yea I'm sure we would all like to know. I got the tax return fairly quickly.. in March. He was due is stimulus at the end of May and I have already checked what the irs website had said about his.. it clearly noted at the bottom it was being withheld. Now can only wait and see, he did file single so hopefully not to much longer.

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