
Has anyone recently discovered whether the Model International School in France is legit or not?

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I received a contract from them and I am willing to pay the 580 Euro commitment fee that they are requiring provided that they give me all the legitimate documents first.




  1. Model international school is legit,i have personally visited the school,if anyone is in doubt,let him/her send any of his relatives/ brother/sister who lives in France to verify this,not ever school that requests for upfront fee is a scam,peolpe should learn to investigate properly before reaching a conclusion,initially i was a bit sceptical when i received the offer,they then advised me to come down to the school with the 580 euro since i was currently visiting France,which i did.I advise any one who is interested in the offer to continue with them,they are real.

  2. This add is a complete FRAUD. I applied for this job on, and they sent me an written interview, an employment contract, and even a work/visa permit form that I had to fill out and sign, everything looked legitimate, it was even stamped and signed by the apparent school. However when I asked for a phone number they gave me a fax number to another company called 'Handicap International' - I found it listed under the company's name in (yellow pages for France), the contact number in Spain of this David Adam does not work, I tried both numbers several times, one is the fax and the other is a cellphone and the person hangs up in your face every time. As well their address cannot be found on google or any map as they donot exist! They asked me for the same amount $580, promising a ticket, papers from the ministry of Education, etc; I reported this to the RCMP and the Internet Crime Complaint Center. I also sent an email to esljobs as the add is still up. The email came from this address:

    and the name was Alice Carpentier, after emailing her several times about the inconsistency of information and the fact that the number she gave me was wrong, she has not responded. I am trying as well to contact the French Embassy in my area to let them know. I have kept every document and email that they have sent me. Please DO NOT send any money to this organization and warn as many people as you can. I lost 989$ CAN for this. (580 EU) - The school is NOT listed in the Ministère de L'Education en France - www. and the list of schools in LYON france are as follows with the contact information:

    I am really starting to get annoyed with this now ( with the scam artists) . I SENT them the MONEY and THE NEVER RESPONDED BACK. I REPORTED THIS TO WESTURN UNION and The Internet Crime Complaint Center, and my local Police. I contacted the Embassy here and I spoke to the Ministry of Education in France - I live in Montreal - I speak French perfectly. I wasted time, money and long distance charges tracking down these pieces of ****. Excuse my language but 580 Euro is 989 CAN. I went as far to speak to TESOL and found someone that HAS worked abroad to teach English and NEVER has anyone asked them for money up front. So please let everyone know, and whatever you do, DONOT go to Westurn Union for David Adam, Hubert Derdare, or Alice Carpentier. This is a scam that involves an inside in Western Union, they are copying all the documents, falsifying signatures and sending it out to anyone. Hey it's been working so they're going to try and scam as many people as they can - Think about it - 10,000 emails - 10,000 people X 580 EURO - that's a whole lot of money.

    And Jennifer D - I wonder what your email is and what you real name is - clearly you are part of this scam. You should be ashamed of yourself. Taking people's hard earned money and creating false hopes. Tu est vraiement honteuse et delictueuse. There is NO school. It DOESN'T exist, unfortunately for you j'habite au Québec et je sais très bien que cette école n’exister pas! I spoke with Le ministère de l’éducation France ainsi que l’ambassade de France here in Montreal. There is no school that would not be physically listed as in the yellowpages, well see which is a directory for France, google them, or better yet try looking up the address they gave  me! 7 Avenue Berthelot, Lyon 69231 - NO SUCH ADDRESS. They gave me the visa/work permit form, looked very legitimate, and the employment contract signed by Hubert Derdare, stamped and everything, they EVEN went as far as to send me pictures! I had to fill out a survery, an online interview, the whole works = SCAM ARTIST 101. Heaven, and anyone else who would like a copy of these documents, let me know, I have them saved on my gmail account and I am keeping them in case the internet crime investigation would need them. Feel free to email me at my chosenfate account. I will forward them to you by my gmail account. This has got to stop. And as for you Jennifer D - As they say in french - Va Foutre!

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