
Has anyone regretted joining the marines?

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has anyone regretted joining the marines for the air force?




  1. I was in the Marines from 2003-2007. I hated parts of it and I loved parts of it.Overall  I would do it again in a heart beat. Most people that hate the Marines where the **** bags and got ****** with because they where ******* or never did what they where supposed to do.

  2. Some people are going to hate serving regardless of what branch they volunteered for - others are going to  love part and hate part - and you'll still have others who will every minute of it.

  3. A friend of mine joined the Marines out of high school.  He was totally gung ho about joing the Marines, but when he got in, my other friends and his girlfriend told me he hated it, but I think he just hated boot camp, he seemed ok after that.  

  4. Absolutely,

    It's a unilateral contract with the United States Government. I don't trust the government to tell me how to tie my shoes and I was stuck with them telling me how to save my own life.

    I always tell my friends that it's not fun, it's the people you meet and the things you do with them that is. There is a ridiculous amount of boredom and bullshit that is involved with everyday life. If I could do it all over again I would join the air force. I wasn't out to prove anything and I just wanted some experience under my belt. If that is your goal - just to get a little experience, money for college, a couple of skills and a steady paycheck. Then join the Air Force.

    There is no reason to put yourself through all the pains that come with dealing with being beginning enlisted if you're just going to get out as soon as you get settled in and some rank.

    There is more money, more benefits, easier standards, better food, better living arrangements and easier work in the Air Force.

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