
Has anyone relocated to a different part of the uk?

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my husband & i would like to move from north east of uk to worcester to be closer to my husbands children. we need to know how best to go around it. we have heard we will need to get jobs first, then somewhere to live. i have emailed some companies about jobs for me, but how would i go about the interviews etc. has anyone been through this? any advice would be appreciated.




  1. Like the other answerers, I moved because I got a job, not the other way round. However having proof of my work contract was essential for getting myself a place to live, as I didn't have enough for a proper deposit.

    My girlfriend then moved to join me, so she was able to live with me until she found a job, which was much easier for her when she was in the area.

    Trying to find a job in a different part of the country to where you're living could be quite tiresome. Try the websites of the local newspapers?

  2. We moved from Redditch, in Worc's to Cornwall 15 years ago (almost) It was rather tough to start with, as it doesn't matter where you move there is always that feeling that you don't belong.( Cornwall especially is quite insular, and the people don't accept incomers gladly) We actually did a Council house exchange, so we didn't take the "local's  housing stock, and my hubby had been made redundant from Rover, at Longbridge, so we took a gamble with moving with no jobs. However, we are not work shy, and we did anything that was going, to make a living, and proved ourselves to be trustworthy, and hard working, and eventually more and more work came our way.

    We eventually bought the house, and as it was in a prime tourist village, with magnificent views, we sold it for 5 times the price we paid for it, and moved slightly in-land to be nearer to where our daughter had settled, in one of the most beautiful villages in Cornwall.

    I know our situation is different from yours, but I think re-locating is a gamble, you either make it, or you don't. For us, the gamble paid off, and we are happy, AND we have been (kind of) accepted, and making a good living. I don't know how you would go about interviews, but I hope you find something, and wish you luck in your new area.

  3. You can live where ever you like.. ideally getting a job first would be better as it would prove you can either pay a mortgage or rent.. as you may find this difficult getting ahouse otherwise, but its not  a legal requirement.

    We moved from wales to bedfordshire.. I found a job i liked the look of and travelled up for an interview. I moved because of the job though. not for the same reasons as you.

  4. I've done it a few times.  The first time I had a job lined up and the rest I just moved and then found a job (but you need to have a bit of cash for your first few months of rent or mortgage if you do it that way).

    Renting could be a good thing to begin with.  Nothing worse than buying a house in a new area and then discovering that the street you've moved into is a favourite haunt of the local boy racers every night!  

    If you look on rightmove, you can find out what the rental prices are like in the area you're thinking of moving to and that'll give you an idea of costs.  If you're unfamiliar with renting, they usually ask for a month's rent as a deposit.  Having a job or not shouldn't be a concern for them - you could be taking early retirement for all they know.

    I always prefered going with an estate agent rather than dealing direct with the landlord (they have insurance etc and you're guaranteed to get things fixed if they go wrong).

    If you're looking for a job, your relatives should be able to send you copies of the local newspaper (or you may be able to access it online).

  5. My wife and i moved from Nottinngham to North Cornwall.

    We found a place to rent then moved down. We were lucky because we paid our rent for a year in advance, to give us both time to find jobs down here.

    Been down here for 4 years now and loving every minute.

  6. both times I've done it I've moved first and got the job afterwards ... it's dangerous doing it that way as you need enough money to live on until you get a job ... both times I had to take whatever work was going to get some money coming in and it took me a while to get a better paid job ... it's difficult looking for work when you're already working because you're so busy you don't have time to do the searching properly and it's difficult arranging interviews ... especially if you've got a skill or a trade then getting the job first would be a much better idea if you can manage it ... yes it would be difficult arranging interviews but if you could get 2-3 interviews arranged to happen in the same week then it would be easier to go down for a week or so ... when I've moved I've rented for a while and changed location once or twice before I've found the area I like living in, renting means you're more free to move

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