
Has anyone seen Obama's Berlin speech from his European tour?

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It appears the Fourth Reich is rising under the term 'New World Order'.

McCain is also a CFR member(puppet of the NWO agenda).

With both candidates being CFR members,we will end up with the same result by electing either one. The CFR chooses our candidates for us. Either way we vote will still be putting their guy in office. How do we break this cycle when our votes can't change or stop the NWO agenda?




  1. your mom has

  2. The CFR was well hidden for decades until more found out about it. Then they went "public" and flooded the internet w/documents that now tend to take up more of a web search than their secrecy of the past.

    1) Remind people that even gravity was a theory at one time when people propose that you are a conspiracy theorist.

    2) Become very informed about the Illuminati, CFR, Bilderbergs, Rothschilds, etc and then inform others. Flood the blogs with information. They depend on only 5 percent of the population knowing anything, and that's probably where it's at.

    3) Promote the idea, that is probably true, that the wealthy 13 International banker families -- some whom own our Federal Reserve -- really like playing the game too much to give the game up. So, they create wars and economic conditions that, by plan, convince the Illuminati, and associated groups, that it will happen. Then, the bankers tell them that it's a "test," and they're "not ready yet." The bankers need foot soldiers to carry out all missions. The foot soldiers being duped.

    4) Insist that our government enforce John F Kennedy's executive order 11110 which took control of our money away from the Federal Reserve. (That, by the way, could have led to his death)

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