
Has anyone seen a ghost before?

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just wondering




  1. once I was downstairs with no lights on, the guy who lives in the house next door is old and he always pops in, so it was about 10ish and I turned of the lights so he would think i'm out, and i was looking outside and I seen something out the corner of my eyes, it was like a person looking in the room at me - creepy.

    and one daymy mam was in the house and a white line had appered on the wall, - this was day time - and it wasn't the son or anything

    also, my friend from college went to a party for her friends 18th and they had been drinking, and they took a picture on her phone of all her friends some had bottles in their hands, some had bags, and she showed me the next day and said ' see anything odd?' I looked and seen nout, but she zoomed in and were the girls were standing, near one girls feet was a head, it looked horrable, it was white and had curly hair but no eyes could be seen, my touror at college said he thoughted it was photoshoped, but my friend kept saying it was only taken last night and they were all drunk so they couldn't do it so good if they were drunk

  2. nope but the bible said there is. . .

  3. Yes,there was an air of calmness which i`ve never experienced before.It was 3am,and it was a women and she was smiling.I could see straight through her and she had a glow around her.I pinched myself hard and she was still there!! I lasted about 15 to 20 seconds,i wasn`t scared just relaxed.It has changed my veiw,as i used to be a non beleiver,but i now know there is another side.


  5. i have a video ov one...the video had been on my phone for a few months wen my dad passed away..there was nothing on it apart from my dog...then i went to my dads grave on fathers day,which was the first time id been

    i was lookin thru the vids the next day and there was sumthin in the corner, on closer inspection,uploadin it on the pc and showin it to family and friends we decided it looked like my dad walkin across the room...the thing that was more weird about it was where the figure was walkin there used to be a door which isnt there now....

  6. nope.ghost don't exist..and there's no ghost in the bible

  7. ya in the bathroom weird man just grey ughh

  8. check out

    it has over 10 years of stories of experiences that people e mailed in.

    interesting stuff.... I think you will like reading these stories.

  9. once i was in the school toilet and sum1 chucked a pencil at me, i was standing by the door which was closed and i checked out the toilet ad no1 else was in there.  

  10. No I havent but I would like to

  11. No. Sorry. But I believe in them.

  12. yes i have seen many ghosts some of friends some ethereal beings and some random roman looking guy

  13. im being serious but i see them all the time. no one ever believes me though. i need advice.

  14. no but im very interested in the supernatural and one day i hope to see one.

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