
Has anyone seen a yellow energy web/net around you while being awake and alert? If so, what is it?

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I've been seeing a net/web of yellow energy since October 2006. Most times it just pops out of nowhere and I just see it right before me. I can also choose to see it or 'erase' it. My eye doctor tells me that I have no abnormal vision issues. I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this?




  1. Sounds like a pretty intense LSD experience.  I saw some cool trails once.  It looked like energy all around me.

  2. No joke, I sometimes see these aswell. But the web is glittering green and looks holographic. I love looking at it because there's always beautiful patterns. The earth has one covering her and it's a wonderful flower pattern.

    I discern it as being our own energy patterns - a electromagnetic energy field (aura). I tried to find a more thorough explanation on what I was experiencing, but it just confused me more because I was literally seeing beings which humans aren't really meant to.

    Listen to 11's advice. She's a smart cookie.

  3. yellow means jealousy..

  4. odds are you're probably crazy, daydreaming it, or hallucanating due to some undetected natural outside influence.  pagan rituals won't fix it. best if you see it again just realize it isn't real and move on.

  5. It's good that you've checked with your eye doctor. I'd also run it by a neurologist just to be safe. There might be something going on with your visual cortex and you shouldn't chance it. I have never seen anything like this, but it's probably something abnormal with your optical nerve or the vision processing part of your brain and hopefully it's nothing to be concerned about. If you've been overly fatigued or lacking in sleep when you've seen this vision, that may also explain it, but you didn't say this was the case.

  6. If I was seeing yellow & recognising it as energy (as you do) I'd take it as an awareness of my power centre, and the sacral chakra.

    Also note if its being reinforced or draining away., clear, over worked, or foggy (intuition plays a part in understanding this & your gut feeling guides you. Often yellow can mean intellectual use as well.

    You're being connected with an awareness of how your energy works. From this you can heal situations & manifest things in your life.

  7. Before you leap to the conclusion that it's something paranormal I would encourage you to explore all natural options.  Things perceived that don't seem to make sense often have normal, natural explanations.

  8. No.

  9. People, its synesthesia.  Lots of people have it, one form or another.  Its not paranormal.  

    Look it up.

    You should google for it, too.  Lots of good info out there, actually.

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