
Has anyone seen academic research on executive women....?

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Who are the 1st female and the 1st minority in their position?

I am considering this for a research paper and I can't seem to find any research on this specific topic. Any help would be greatly appreciated!




  1. Has anyone seen academic research on executive women....?

    -a haiku by That Guy from Jersey

    I did see research

    However, I shredded it

    Sorry is not enough

  2. Then that would make this "ground breaking research." Congrats...  

  3. It's called research because that's how you find out about it.

    You won't necessarily find a paper called 'First woman and first minority in an executive position' because that would be, well, a little crass, doncha think.

    BUT, if you look at places such as the UNCF website, you will find lists of alumni, members and associates, from where you can start googling and finding out more about the various individuals, until you find some who fit your criteria.

    Some of these people will also have listed organisations they have worked with, developed or are members of, which mentor or foster minority leaders.

    For example, on the website below (UNCF Famous Graduates), the foiurth name down is Dr Ruth Simmons - Brown University president and first African American to head an Ivy League university (Dillard). Google her name and you find links to various other online publications which provide information not only about Dr Simmons, but give ideas of the names of OTHER women you can research.

    If you think about it, the biggest part of "research" is SEARCHing!

    It can be painstaking, but it is ultimately rewarding.

    Cheers :-)

  4. isn't that a contradiction in terms??

    sorry, that was too easy. there are plenty of women execs out there today but i don't recall seeing any statistics on the subject. the federal registry would be the place to look.the labor dept. can refer you to the proper agency. they have offices dedicated to what you want. good luck.

  5. If you're on here looking for research, you've got problems buddy...

  6. Google search it  

  7. I think the thunderous stillness indicates you should change your topic.

    *You will be able to find some information but will it be sufficient to pad out an entire research paper?

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