
Has anyone seen an Unidentified Flying Object?

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What did it look like?




  1. Just a minute or so ago.  It was in the kitchen. I think it was a moth, but i don't know what kind.  It was flying, though.

  2. no

  3. my friend actually has a pic of one on his phone its was kinda dark but it was all lit up, round and really BIG

  4. I have seen a few, but all but one of them were what I think was weather ballons. Weather ballons are what most see. A weather balloon is shiney and round. But one time during the Hurrican Katrina storm I was riding my motorcycle 50 miles home and looked up an saw this cigar shaped object. It was silver looking and just hovering there, then it moved very fast and was in front of me and then dissapeared and then reappeared and moved again fast then just went straight up until it was no longer there.  This is the only time I believe I have seen something from another world. As far as I know we do not have any craft like this.Also although I was in East Texas and Katrina was not as strong as it was in New Orleans, we had no air craft flying in the air at  that time.


  5. I think so. I did. When I was in the 5th grade. Then when I told all my friends about it they kept telling me that it was just a scientific thingy(FYI my friends are nerds! but they're cool and all lol) but i knew what I saw

  6. It had red and green blinking lights and flew in a straightline.

    Everyone has seen a UFO bu tnot many people have seen flying saucers.I saw a plane at night which is a UFO.Many things fit into the UFO categories not just flying saucers.

  7. Not me...sorry.

  8. Quick lights.  I was sitting on the porch with an elderly neighbor when they darted back and forth.  We both saw them but have not shared the story with other people.  Who would buy it?  We live in the upper northwest America if you care.  Ask me in person.  I'll deny it.

  9. I saw a flying object when I was about three. I could not identify it. Then, I asked my mom what it was, and she said it was a plain. For a few seconds, the plane was a ufo.

  10. If you mean shooting stars, yes, but not UFO's.

  11. Many people have claimed to see UFO's. Even though i belive in aliens, i don't believe that they would have the technology and intelligence to make these UFO's. Many have cuaght it on tape but most digital anaylists are saying that they are frauds, created mearly useing holographs and light displays.

    hope i helped you.

  12. Yeah, but I didn't have my glasses. That's  why I couldn't identify it.

    I do believe in aliens also, but I don't believe they've visited us.

  13. I seen something in the night sky about ten years ago.........

    to paint a picture........

    it was like when the ship hovered over the citys in the movie with will smith in it.

    it was hudge.....but was really far away......but still looked hudge if that makes any since. and there was a white light that flew around the ones on t.v. making stops and go;s, that are not possiable.

    My nephew saw it to. it was strange.

      we never did figure out what we saw.......but it blocked out a big chunk of the sky.........and seemed light years away.

      damedest thing i have ever saw.

  14. Many times. The most memorable one was when I was about 13 or so, and was helping my brother take out the trash. He was 12. We lived on the back of six acres, so it wasn't easy to get trash pickup. We had a pile off to one side of the yard, and when we were finished, we stayed outside for a bit, enjoying the cooler weather, and talking. I looked off to my left, not sure why, toward the drainage pond from the water treatment plant behind our house. Over the trees, I saw what looked like a small plane, like a Cesna, skimming the treetops from the opposite side of the pond.

    I thought something was up with it when I saw the lights on the bottom and wings weren't blinking in any expected sequence or pattern, as usually seen on planes and helicopters.  As it got closer, the lights cut off. It hovered for about a minute some fifty feet away from us, making absolutely no sound. It kept going, right over our heads, then across the access road to the plant, up and over the trees on the other side, and was gone.

    When it passed over us, it passed low enough that we felt like we coud just reach up and touch it. I'll tell you this, we weren't afraid of it, just curious.

  15. yes, while i was in the navy, on the fantail watch,.....saw slow moving lights move across the horizon, from east to west, reported the same to combat information center,.....was told there was nothing on the radar,.....

  16. I didn't see :(

  17. .hi there,  im a taxi driver and i seen my second alien craft, (notice the way i never used the word u.f.o.) ten years ago with 2 other drivers who also seen it, it was amazing, it was flying a height hard to judge, but it was flying at amazing speeds, and then stopping dead in the sky. then shooting back off again, at every angle you could imagine, almost instantley, and every time it alternate colours, there was no sounds to it but it was very high up most of the time, it lasted about 2 minutes, we were amazed by it and felt so lucky to have seen anything like that, watching something that you all know aint from this world for sure,  3 of us watched it, 444am in the morning, all used to working nites, so not tired, we all proffesionals, seen my first aged 6, i was alone when i seen it and allways been interested ever since,  





  18. I saw one, it looked like something very bright that moves randomly in the sky.

  19. Yes, beginning in about 1963 in Wisconsin, USA. A large group of us (at a county fair) saw lights that hovered and took off at a 45 degree angle from their original direction, but so fast that they were gone in a blink. It was never in the papers and no one spoke about it. It happened so fast.

    I've seen several since then in small groups of people, never alone.

    I saw a report on the internet of one that showed up on an orbiting spacecraft sensing device that was hovering in Washington State in the 90's. It was 230 miles in diameter and did not show up on radar and no one on the ground saw it.

    They are there, but until one lands and communicates intelligently with the general public, it is all heresay.

  20. yes-blue light-trangle mountan side-arizona.

  21. I have not seen any, but I don't usually look at the sky that much.

    But when I do look at the sky, and contemplate the space that is vast beyond imagining, the greatest unidentified flying objects are, to me, the stars and the moon.

    And when the wonders of space are possible... why not UFOs?

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