
Has anyone seen any ghosts in their house before?

by Guest58793  |  earlier

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I was just wondering if anyone has or seen any ghosts before in their houses, I remember seeing a shadow like figure standing right in front of me in my grandmas house when I was walking up the stairs and it scared the **** out of me and I just quickly walked back down stares. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me but I saw someone standing right in front of me in a shadowy like figure. No it wasn't my brothers playing tricks on me because they were in bed but I sworn I saw someone standing right in front of me in front of the boxes and cases.

Has anyone ever experienced any of these before? Seeing Ghosts or Shadow like figures in your home? I also think being home at night by your self with no one around is a good place to start out Ghost Hunting. In my Opinion.




  1. I have seen my great grandad before. I wasnt scared.

    I saw him while I was lead in bed and I was daydreaming, I looking up at the ceiling and saw a face. They nodded at me and went away. I told my mum and explained what they looked like and she told me who it was - my gr8 grandad.

    I see spirits all the time. Not orbs or ghosts, they are different ones. I am not gonna explain what they look like tho - takes too long.

    Oh and I also see Auras.

    ---------------I dont care if I get thumbs down-----------

  2. As of now, none so far.

  3. Yes, I've seen shadowy figures before. And like a black flash, sometimes. I've seen a girl, animals, adult male, and shadowy figures.

    I've also taken pictures where orbs will show up.

    P.S. these are all things I've seen in my house.

  4. There is a time I recall, years ago.  When I was eleven... my cat was put to sleep recently, and I was traumatized since I was very antisocial and I had looked to my cat as a great friend.  One night I woke up scared after having a nightmare, and when I looked around the room was pitch black, but I saw two orb-like things flashing for a second, like my cat's eyes used to in the dark.  I was very spooked but amazed.  I thought for a second that it could've been my dog, but she was right next to me, so it couldn't have been.

  5. Oh cool. I know I’ve got a good one. Hold on…okay, I was living at my brothers house for awhile and I didn’t know what was going on but I kept feeling like someone was there. No one else would believe me. I was the only one getting the feeling. I would walk into my room and would be like, “why does my room smell like cigars?” Other people would walk into my room and they couldn’t even smell it. Only I could. And then I would be like half asleep/awake and could feel somebody like right in my face. Then, I would walk into the house by myself late at night and I could hear someone run down the hall and downstairs into the basement. What else. I would be in the shower and I could hear the door slamming closed. Continually. So everyone thought I was just nuts or whatever, but the creepiest one was actually when my girlfriend was over onetime and we heard someone running around upstairs. Didn’t think much of it. Went to take a look and nothing was there. So we go back downstairs and we are on the stove cooking something and she was like 5 feet out and I was standing across from her and all of a sudden the bottom plate/drawer of the stove flies open and a blue flame shoots out and shoots back in closing the drawer shut behind it. That was the creepiest thing I’ve ever seen.

    Here is another one. I remember this one pretty well happened when i was young but very devasting can't ever forget.

    When I was a kid, I lived in this one house where I could swear that something just wasn't right. My room was right next to the attic door. My dad kept a lot of junk up there. One day, when I was home alone, I went up there to root around to see if anything would catch my interest. Well, I was up there for a few minutes looking around and, right at the top of the stairs to the left there was this little crawl space room with a door. I was about five feet away from it and, out of the blue, the door came open. Not a slow, maybe there was a draft that blew it open kind of deal either. This thing came open with force and it scared the h**l out of me. I got out of there pretty quick and I never went up there again. Some time later, there was an incident where, again, I was home alone, I was on my porch having a mouth battle with a neighborhood bully and, after a few choice words, I spit on him. He got mad and he came up on the porch. I ran into the house and he followed me. Ran all the way to the back of the house. The screen door going out to the yard had a window in it and since the lock was broke, you could just push it and it would open, which is what I would always do. Well, I'm running with this kid behind me and I went to push on the door and, I guess my dad had it tied up and when I went to push on it, it didn't open and, of course, I went right through the window and down the steps. I was carved up pretty bad. I had a huge gash in my arm, you could see my bone, I was cut on my wrist, on my side, under my chin and I had a hole in my throat about the size of a quarter, which would later require an operation due to the damage it caused. I don't remember what the problem actually was. But, I couldn't speak above a whisper. Anyway, I said I was pushed because I felt someone push me before I went through the glass. The kid said he never touched me and that I tripped. To this day, his version of what happened and mine remain the same. I still have the scars from this incident, which required 56 stitches total and, to be honest, I'm lucky to be alive, especially because of the glass putting a hole in my throat. But, it's not the accident that I question. My blood was all over the one step more than anything. It remained there for many years. Now, I know that a blood stain is hard to clean up. But, you figure with rain and winter, you think it would fade. Well, this one spot remained as red as the day I went through the least for two years. After my dad moved out of the house, I used to visit the neighbor, who was the one who saved my life, and I used to go out in their back yard to look over the fence and, sure enough, the blood red spot was still there. It's been a good ten years since I last stood in front of the house and the last time I was there, I just had this real weird feeling, like this house wanted me to die. It's been about 20 years since I went through the window and, every now and then, I have a nightmare about that house. It's a bit different every time it happens. But, what remains the same is that, for whatever reason, I'm either in the attic or I need to go up there for something and as soon as I'm there, I get a feeling that something is there, watching me, waiting for me and my death is the only thing that will make it happy. The house is still there. People are living there. From where I live now, I could be in front of it again in less than 30 minutes. I often thought about going there, knocking on the door and asking the people who live there if I could check out the attic, providing them with

  6. ive thought ive seen one before but who knows

    they were on the top of my landing... like a shadow when i was getting some shoes out... i dont ever think ive called my boyfriend so quickly into the room it scared the h**l out of me ! mine couldnt have been anyone else there was noone else there apart from me and jake and i shouted jake from in the kitchen... they are bloody scary things!

    i cant remember this but my mom tells me about it all the time... i was in my baby crip in the living room and my mom was cutting carrots in the kitchen and i was crying.. she put down the knife and went too see what was wrong with me, turns out i had dropped my pacifier when she got back the carrot was gone so she was looking around for this carrot.. she went back in to check on me and the carrot was ontop of the picture frame on the back wall...

    my moms also seen a woman with a baby on the top of the stairs

  7. In 15 years of paranormal investigation, I've had one bad experience with a ghost. I got slapped. It hurt a lot, but I was being *really* disrespectful to the ghosts in the area.

    And, in 15 years of paranormal investigation, I've heard plenty of stories about people being killed, but only one which was documented. What this usually means is that there are lots of urban myths out there, and the movies about ghosts hurting people don't help, either.

    To ghost hunt, at the very most basic level, all you need is a notebook and pencil (mechanical pencil is best, and this is for recording the times that things happen), a watch, and a flashlight. Instead of jumping out of your skin at every ghost you see, look for how that ghost might actually be normal. Watch and see how TAPS does it, they've really got mostly a good idea.

    If you get really interested, let me know and I'll give you some books to read up on it.

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