
Has anyone seen any mysterious dog-like creatures?

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For example:

1. A black dog that is much larger than any normal dog, maybe with glowing red eyes, that disappears mysteriously.

2. A dog-like creature that walks or runs on its hind legs.

These are just a couple of examples. I would be interested in any stories.





  1. my father has dog legs and runs on 4 legs.

    if that counts.

  2. Hey MushroomMaggie, you saw the same thing my mum saw I think... did it look sorta like a hyena? She saw it in a feild near a forest though.. and in a small town just above the great lakes..

  3. The dog you have described is

    also known as "Black Shuck"

    and is considered to be a

    harbinger of death when seen.

    At times, it is also thought to  

    be a 'h**l hound'.

    It is commonly seen in Ireland,

    Scotland, and England-


    It has also been seen in the US.

  4. A few years ago, my brother and I were hiking in the woods (Northern Ontario, Canada) when an odd looking creature walked past us. It looked like a cross between a deer and a dog. But maybe after being out in the forest for a while our eyes were playing tricks on us...

  5. Does a three-headed dog known as cerebus count?

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