
Has anyone seen any signs that PM Rudd and his team have any ideas at all about running this great country?

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Has anyone seen any signs that PM Rudd and his team have any ideas at all about running this great country?




  1. He is the Milky Bar kid. looks cute with his guns but never shoots anyone. all he does is ..... NOTHING. he just makes friends with other countries and hopes our problems will magicaly melt away. it shouldnt take a 15 eyar old to know that

  2. Pre-Election he sounded like he had some idea on how to run the country. Since he was elected, he's talked a lot (mainly in Mandarin) and made friends with the Chinese president guy. He's talked about OLPC (one laptop per child), talked about a new IR system, but all he's done is talk.

  3. Isn't this a disgrace.

    We've had a Government that for 10 years planned and implemented the economic path for the future wellbeing of the country, only to see a dudd leader and a bunch of incompetent ex-union misfits be given the reins. From one of the most respected nations in the world, we are now an international laughing stock

    We've dismissed a true statesman as leader in favour of a giggling boy scout, who thinks being in charge is a game, as his IQ can relate to "I Spy" and "Hide-and-seek", and talking Mandarin to overseas leaders who just snigger behind their hands when he guffaws through his speeches.

    Get used to it. There are no signs of these bludgers being able to run Australia, as they between them they couldn't run a cake stall.

    Our country deserves better than this, and those people who voted this dill and his cronies into office should all hang their heads in shame... if they can even afford to do that these days, knowing the state of the economy!

  4. He's an improvement on John Howard, who was George W Bush minus the personality but with some brains. Howard was only interested in big business and in lining his own pockets. Seeing him crawl up Suharto's **** was particularly nauseating, especially when East Timor did so much for Aussie troops during WW2 at colossal cost to their own people.

    Also, Rudd has at least made it plain that extricating Oz from being constitutionally subservient to Britain is one of his plans, as opposed to Howard, who should have buggered off to London years ago.

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