
Has anyone seen any strange creatures, ufos, or cryptids?

by Guest58115  |  earlier

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ive seen a few strange things before and im looking for others who have cus i just feel alone on this my cousin has seen some stuff before so im sure there are others please nobody just comment to judge others.




  1. I've seen inexplicible lighted objects in the night sky that performed aerial manuvers far beyond any aircraft known, on 4 different occasions, all with other witnesses, some witnesses were complete strangers to me at the time. One of the times I observed this, a retired Air Force pilot was with me. I never saw the actual outlines, but at night it's not easy to see outlines of anything in the sky except the moon. And yes, I can tell the difference between aircraft, stars. meteors, comets, northern lights, satellites and planets. None of these lights were anything like those. And no, I wasn't drinking alcohol or doing drugs or hallucinating.

  2. Before,Ive saw a ufo

    Atmospheric beast(Rods)

    MAYBE The lizard dude or swamp man...(Im in FL Ya no)

    And thats about it

  3. i see alot of ghosts. Spirits really... I see strange little sparkles in the sky, I feel like i'm being watched most of the time. I will see strange things in the background... I'm kinda used to it but it creeps my friend out when I'll start speaking some weird language. He's cried a few times when I spend the nite at his house. I sware that I am not lying.

  4. my dead cat visited me, and i have seen orbs in the middle of the night, and we frequently have a ghost in my house, her name is miss least we think thats her, before my mom bought my house this lady commited suicide miss van and we have had a lot of weird stuff happen...but you are not alone, many people see spirits or feel them near them, and can even just experiance them in there may have a hidden talent...practice communicating with them..

  5. I belive you I I have seen a ghost ufo, alien and some other stuff.  You should listen to a radio show called cost to cost it talks all about that stuff.  look it up on the net

  6. I once thought I saw Bigfoot, Elvis, and The Jersey Devil riding the Loch Ness Monster into a UFO, but a nice man from the government explained that it was only swamp gas refracting light from a weather balloon that was reflecting light from the planet Venus.

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