
Has anyone seen anyone other than the USA and China in NBCs Olympic gymnastics coverage?

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I think I saw someone from another country out of focus on the edge of screen during one of the US girl's floor routines, but that's about it.

I swear from this coverage you'd think the USA and China are the only teams competing.




  1. No, I saw Russia, Argentina and Romania! but since NBC is an american channel i think they are going to focus more on USA and the host nation too obviously, which is China

  2. I saw one Romanian perform, but you are absolutely right.  To be honest I know that China won the gold, the U.S. bronze, but I don't know who won silver, because NBC doesn't seen to think it's important (this is in the team competition, not individual).

    They know their coverage is awful too...not one feedback link on the NBC Olympics site.  Contact them at or write them at

    National Broadcasting Company, Inc.

    30 Rockefeller Plaza

    New York, NY

    They don't list the ZIP, but 30 Rock is big enough for the postman to find anyway.

    And don't forget to contact the sponsors who are advertising on NBC during the Olympics to tell them that the bad coverage reflects on them as well, and I for one do not shop the companies supporting this substandard coverage.

  3. On the Olympic website they give the channels airing the games; it's broken down by country. I've seen Russia, Romania, China, and US competitions.

  4. Hey Mike, I hate to be the bearer of bad news - but that is all we saw here in Australia too.

    I can't believe the substandard coverage both Australia and America are being forced to endure. In Malaysia, they have 11 interactive channels dedicated to the Olympics.

    We have the abilities to dedicate different channels or different streams of the same channel, yet are subjected to one using the excuse that they can't show all 150 hours of events per day.

    Well don't freaking bid for it then!

  5. American media shows US because it's US.  American media shows China to hopefully catch a mistake or, like today, show how terrible judging makes China 3rd place and gives US 1st and 2nd.

    jk...sorta. =P

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