
Has anyone seen anything mythological or paranormal that they have a picture of?

by  |  earlier

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Hello! I am a strong believer in the mythical and paranormal, but haven't seen too much. Nothing paranormal, anyway. does anyone have any pictures of something mythological or paranormal? Mythological especially. I have seen a lot of paranormal pictures, but so far, nothing having to do with mythological stuff. Help me out please?




  1. I have a hard time understanding why you would believe in something like the paranormal if you have nothing empirical on which to base this belief.

    Could it be wishful thinking?  As in you wish the world had ghosts and fairies in it, so it must be so?

  2. yes

  3. Yes! I have several! Actual Ghosts you can see them! Energy, Things that deify the laws of physics ect. I have had my photos looked at by Historians and they could tell me things about the ghost by what they were wearing! I've also had them looked at by a chemist! They have told me that some of the photos that I have were impossible to have!Check out my website at

  4. Why believe strongly in something you've never seen?Don't you mean you strongly hope there are such things.

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