
Has anyone seen or heard reports of a dinosaur-like creature on I-80 in Wyoming?

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Has anyone seen or heard reports of a dinosaur-like creature on I-80 in Wyoming?




  1. Those critters are all over Wyoming. Just be glad your not  knee-deep in jackalope, like here in Texas.

  2. No but in the last 10 years there were reports in the Texas area of sightings of a small 2 to 3 ft. tall dino looking running along a certain stretch of a highway. It was said to run on two hind legs and had two smaller front legs with a extended tail. it was similar to a minature t rex. There was even an online web photo of a younger guy who supposedly shot one and is holding up the carcass. It is unconfirmed as far as that incident but there are several eyewitness statements about sightings in that area over that time.

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