
Has anyone seen "wicked" and what did you think of it?

by Guest60123  |  earlier

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Has anyone seen "wicked" and what did you think of it?




  1. Oh my lord, it was absolutely amazing in Chicago. I thought I was going to pee myself half the time haha JK. But wow, it was totally worth it. If at all possible try to get seats by the orchestra pit, that is if you are musically inclined. It can be really interesting to watch their techniques.

  2. seen it 2 times....was reaaallllyyyyy good!!!

  3. I thought it was very well done.  A good show.

  4. Saw it in New York...technically astonishing, I was blown away by some of the effects.  Musically I think it's not particularly original and quite derivative (listen to The Witches of Eastwick, which came first - a lot of similarities there) but it was well-sung.  What I did feel though, was that for a musical to be truly great you should either leave the theatre unable to stop smiling, dancing down the street (Guys and Dolls, for example), or you should feel like it's hit you in the heart and moved you deeply - like Les Mis or Miss Saigon.  I didn't get either of those with Wicked - it felt a bit soulless and heartless to me.

  5. I have and I absolutely love it. Wicked is a wonderful show.

  6. Going back for time #3 on August 7th. Its an amazing and original new musical. It takes a story so well known, and shows us just how little we really know. Its a fun show, it has fun and humor. But it also has depths. The show has many levels. This makes it wonderful for anyone.

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