
Has anyone seen someone else do a kind act of goodness lately?

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how about just this week?




  1. yes, i had to do community service recently for some misdemeneur so i chose an animal clinic.  i walked dogs nad helped adopt them.  volunteers came every night after work to walk the dogs and love them.  such sweet kindness.  

  2. No but I have done a couple myself.  

  3. My mother is kind, and selfless and puts everyone and everything before her.

    Shes got very bad shingles, sees to everyone elses needs before hers and shes got high blood pressure because she hasnt been taking care of herself.

    im not sure if this is  the answer your looking for, but i think my mum is kind.

  4. I Did =]

    I Saw Someone Drop There Wallet So I Picked It Up And Ran After Him. I Caught Up And Gave It To Him And He Gave Me $20 =)

  5. my future wife finally started talking to me lol

    she was pissed but not anymore? does dat count

  6. It happens all the time. not all are as big as keeping someone from jumping off a bridge, but it can be equally as significant to the person receiving it.

  7. YES, i make my time on the net work for charity and raising awareness for people with epilepsy and and other mental health issues

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  8. My cousin has a mentally ill sister who is hospitalized and she wants to be released to come and live near her mother.  My aunt isn't doing anything to help this situation along so my cousin has been bearing the burden of this alone.  Yesterday she got a phone number from an old folks home staff member that could help her along and the person she called was so nice to her that my cousin almost cried.  She finally found someone who was willing to do something to make it possible for her sister to move into a rehab home.

  9. Every day people hold doors, give the right of way, and perform other innumerable acts of consideration and kindness. Just open you eyes. But maybe you're just fishing for a big heartwarming story - a real "tear-jerker."


  10. seen a stranger go to someone who was dangling off a bridge sitting down and just talking to him in the hope that he would come inland a bit more and not kill himself...

    loved your question

  11. Nice question :D

    My partners mum sent him some papers that he really needed, that was pretty nice of her. x

  12. I see very few kind acts for others now a days. People are so busy with themselves that they feel it is a waste of time helping others.

  13. My friend picked me up from the airport, and refused my offer of gas money.

  14. Last week, there was an accident involving two cars, one being T-boned by the other.  Someone driving by the accident went and bought bottled water for the people involved.  It was 100 degrees outside. . .

  15. sadly no.  

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