
Has anyone seen that taco bell comercial? Do guys really like bacon?

by  |  earlier

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would you find it attractive if a women smelled like bacon? ( wouldn't)




  1. No, I'd find it attractive if a woman smelled like...a woman.

  2. No but I find it attractive when a woman brings me bacon

  3. way. if my girl came over smelling like bacon i wuld be lyke "gtfo ho".

  4. Yes guys are cannibals and not just the ones that are cops.

  5. To answer your ladder question...No!  h**l no...I wouldn't like a female to smell like bacon...but, to answer your first two questions...I see taco bell commercials all the time like any fast food restaurants like Mc and Bk do on a regular basis on tv and Yes, I do like bacon, it's not a healthy food item per se but, tastes good with almost anything edible regardless!

  6. I like women, I like bacon, but I don't like my women to smell like bacon.  I will settle for them to just show up.

  7. I think everybody likes bacon, but I don't think I would like it very much in a bar, specially if the smell is on a chick. If a girl smells like bacon that only tell you two things, she works at Taco Bell, and she didn't shower....!!!!

  8. Yes, I have seen that Taco Bell commercial and it's one of my favorites.  It's True.  Men do love Bacon.


  9. If you're in a bar with taco bell odds are you're not going to be getting any that night.  And to answer your question, NO, guys don't like women to smell like food, it's disgusting.  I used to date a girl in high school who worked parttime at a KFC and I hated the way she smelled right after work, like a ball of grease.  Yuck!

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