
Has anyone seen the Disney movie "Meet the Robinsons"? If so, what is your take on it?

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A friend of mine would like to buy it for my son for Christmas because she thought it was really cute, but I have heard from some people that it portrays adoption in a bad way. I was wondering if anyone here has seen it and if so, what was your take on the portrayal of adoption.




  1. It's a great movie, and does not portray adoption find that out at the end.  It's very cute.

  2. I have seen the movie and was so impressed with it that i wanted to get my unborn baby it.the movie has so much more to focus on than tells a tale of hope in all sorts of mishaps.the main storyline is an encouraging message that when you always believe in yourself and no matter how many odds are against you you will succeed.its a great movie for kids.get it if you have doubts but i left with a tear of joy and hope in my heart from the cinema.

  3. well, a white male baby would never be stuck in a orphanage to adolescence, so its an unrealistic premise.

    But it was a cute movie, and I have no problem with my 5 yr old watching it.

  4. It was an awesome movie. My son loves it. I can see if someone didn't watch the whole movie how they would think it does portray adoption badly but it explains everything at the end. Again, a really awesome movie.

  5. I don't think it portrays adoption poorly....

    The movie is SO neat. When I saw it, I thought the phrase, "eye candy" fit it.  The animation is so cool, and the details are so imaginative and funny.  You could watch it a few times and still not catch everything in it.

  6. I saw this movie and I didn't realize b/4 watching it was somewhat about adoption.  The thing I found interesting about the movie was, it was more about accepting who you are as a person and keep trying to be the best at you who you are.  Yes, seeing the child get rejected those number of times did hurt, but I truly understand what the writers intent was for those parts.  Rejections is not ALWAYS a bad thing, and I think that's the thing everyone is missing here, we should want the best for us no matter how difficult the situation we are in.  If the character Lewis would have changed and settled for the first set of parents, he may not even been an inventor in the end and as the movie showed, that was the best thing for him.  So lets all remember.......rejection is not as bad as we think, it will either help to strengthen you to become more than what's required or to help you put things truly in perspective.   So I would say YES allow your child to see it, but be there with him and take the opportunity to teach him about why what happens and why things didn't go so well for roommate.  Rejections is a part of life, even in the world of adoption, I understand it's a difficult place to be in, but we should want the best thing for everyone.  The message that I think kids learned from this movie is don't give up on becoming whatever it is you would like to become in this world.

  7. We rented this movie recently.  I didn't know it had an adoption theme until we started watching it.  It was very heartbreaking to watch the little boy be rejected many times by possible adoptive parents.  I am glad we did not buy this movie.

  8. I really liked this movie!  It was alot of fun, and I was glad I took my son to see it.  It does touch on adoption, but I don't think it portrays adoption in a bad way at all.  However, it does exemplify the importance in appropriately matching children to families - and how much love plays a part in adopting.  

    Basically, the kid was an oddball, so no one wanted to adopt him once they really got to know him.  I honestly think this sends a good message!  Adoptees often complain that they feel like a commodity.  Well, the movie made it clear that kids were NOT something that could be picked up off the shelf and fit into the "child" slot inside a family.  Families have to be built on something much stronger that a mental picture - love.  

    I don't want to spoil the movie, but it does have a happy ending!  I think it will be very good for your son.  The moral of the story is about being yourself, and appreciating yourself for who you are, and your family and friends for who THEY are.  What could be wrong with that message?

  9. It's a good movie. There is one scene where prospective adoptive parents come to meet the boy and the run away in horror, because of a failed science project he was doing. But that is the only scene i could think of that could offend people. But other than that the meaning of the story is just about believing in yourself, the whole movie is not based on adoption. I'm adopted and i didn't take offense to it.

  10. I haven't seen it yet, because of the review Claudia wrote about the movie when she took her kids to see it.

    That being said, now that it is out to rent, I probably will borrow it to watch away from my kids so that I can decide for myself.  Usually, I don't hesitate at buying Disney movies, but this movie was the last made before Eisner left and Pixar came in to revitalize and retool the Disney Studios.

  11. I had to leave the movie theatre - it portrays a boy who is rejected over and over and over again

  12. I personally loved the movie, we rented it for our son's to watch and I think I enjoyed it more than they did, when I went to town the next week I purchased me a copy of the movie.  I don't think it portrays adoption in a bad way I actually think it shows children a true to life outcome of adoptions, and what to expect within most adoptive families.

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