
Has anyone seen the music video recorded in Trinidad that was posted on youtube yet?

by  |  earlier

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i saw it in the lyrics in the papers, but i cant seem to find it..

i tried a couple of keywords already, have u seen it?

can someone give me the link if they do please. thanks..




  1. I cyah see youtube. But I see a glimpse of it on news last night! What is it about...cause I really didn't pay it much attention. Anybody care to enlighten??

  2. I just watched it, it's called: FBI-Trinidad!


    Re$h l think it was the same one, it has since been removed, all the guys faces were shown and they were singing about killing g**s and that Cudjoe and police have to die because they sell out the youths. Tell me if l'm right, ok.

  3. Girl they blocked You-tube from work - so its just a memory (until Flow decide to install internet - ah mean ah only waiting for 6 months now)

    But I've read those lyrics - really horrific - these people have no consious!!!!!!  And they are rather brave to shoot parts of the video infront a Police Station.  

    But yuh know we system - dey go know who de guys are (they faces are prominent - and their slogan "LVT - Laventille for Life" is a dead giveaway!  When they find them what dey go charge dem with!  Will they be incarcerated or lost through the court system

  4. Of course by de time I look to maco de video it gone. Steups. I have heard lots about this video though and makes me want to burst into tears and weep for the Trinidad where I grew up. I am really beginning to think it may no longer exist and that breaks my heart.

  5. see dis 4 king dotishness.... police have time to track youtube vids but can't respond when people life in danger.

    So the new response may be we investigating youtube videos nobody to drive de car.

    Set ah scunts if you ask me. SO WHAT !! A few ******* use their drug money earnings to cut a "music video" ... and guess what they have net access so they can post up on YT. News flash "Philbutt" we seeing these "videos" everyday played out on our street. Lil a$$ wipes with guns flashing for all to see, now you want to act. WHY ? oh i am sorry it's on youtube so the world could see. OOOOOH that don't look too good for sweet T&T

    4king paper men always reacting to problems never proactive.

    Maybe we see one vid calling for heads of Govt. soon.

  6. I never saw the video they removed it already. 14,000 views. This just makes you scared to make change. It makes you just want to drop down to your knees and scream

    "What happened to my once beautiful land??"

    I swear when I see things like this I cry so bad. I think of how it was in the past where you could leave your front door open,walk to your neighbors house,and life was about enjoying everyday and being a kid. I think about the nations children then and now. They seem to be bron into nothing but pain and sadness.

    I remember I was telling my cousin sometime ago about how it was in the past saying how it was like when you could walk down the road,go to the shop,reach hme late,go fishing. He is only five years old and he looked at me and said,

    "You could do that? What happened?"

    To tell you the truth I didn't know how to answer that.Now he is afraid to go outside because of the "bad men".

    I cry that at any moment your life is ended not because of old age but because people forgot to care.

    The express has an article about it. Below is the link.

  7. You have to atleast give the police credit for treating this seriously. They may have gotten a tip from someone or maybe they have a unit designed for internet/viral crime(cuz it happens) I am not sure but either way it's about time they catch somebody now I wonder what they will be convicted of and how long will it take in the courts system.

    I tried to find the video on youtube but they are saying the user has removed it..................

    But wait nah........Is this the video that shows a pitbull in the beginning and it says don't come to Laventille if ur g*y?? I f that is the one that video has been on you tube for months.


    Yeah man I see dat one a while ago, and I leave dem a comment too under the video. I tell them they are a bunch of EFFIN IDIOTS!!! Promoting such nonsense!

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