
Has anyone seen the "Beans on Toast" Ghost?

by  |  earlier

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"Hairs standing on end and holding back the desire to vomit . . . the shapeless mass that suddenly appeared in his room began to unfold.

Malevolently staring at him with a cruelty that belied it's lack of eyes or human features. Bored through him and set his bowels in disarray as he

tried to not gibber and scream. Staggering back, he gasped as the monstrous Beans on Toast Ghost shuffled towards him. . . "

Yes, this happened to me.




  1. erm..... wow?

  2. Its truly a harrowing sight and no mistake, I remember the first time I encountered this ghoulish fiend, twas after several large gin's but that's neither hear nor there! A most ungodly sight that shall haunt me till my dying days, second only to the porridge werewolf that stalks the manor grounds! again only seem after several gin's, terrifying it was to be sure! Tip top.

  3. stop eating beans and spicy food before bed.  

  4. ya its always farting

  5. Next time zap him with the Ketchup!

  6. Yeah, here he is....

  7. I've only smelt the foul essence of his spirit departing this mortal realm..

  8. umm.... cool?

  9. you know that in today's society use of drugs that induce hallucinations are frowned upon, sometimes the users are lawfully restrained  

  10. not seen, only smelled him

  11. 3 words...

    What the F*ck :-S

  12. no but i've heard of it

  13. Oh dear you been a the wacky backy again?

    Good job he didn't f**t on you and blast you into another world.

  14. No - I'm more scared of the thunder man.

    Taps on my bloody window every-time theres a storm.. And I live four floors up..


  15. haha random

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