
Has anyone seen this movie?

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There was this one movie that used to air on tv when I was younger. My mom used to watch this. I think it was on TBS, USA channel, or something like that. Does anyone recognize this movie? What is the title? These group of people would be in this one city. Theres like a land eater. Like everything on land would be eaten and disappear. So the group of people went on a airplane and took off. When they found land, like another country. The people would take landing. They went to this airport and no one was there. Every time they landed, the place was deserted. They were like the only survivors in the whole planet. The "land eaters" would appear and the group would take off again on the plane. I think it ends with some of the survivors seeing the planet back again with people back to life again.




  1. OMG.... That is "The Langoliers"  It was a Stephen King Movie... I haven't seen that in YEARS!!!!  Wow... I am going to have to rent it on my netflix.

  2. The Langoliers - based on a Stephen King story

    I remember watching it on TV long ago with my parents! I thought it was pretty cool at the time!

  3. i think its called Stephen Kings ''The Langoliers''

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