
Has anyone seen this show?

by Guest67065  |  earlier

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There is great show on TLC right now. It is about PAP's being taken advantage of by a woman who is claiming to be pregnant and planning on giving them her baby.

It is a Dateline Special called Web of Deceit. It is a prime example why anyone planning on adopting should go through a reputable agency and not the internet or by placing an ad in the paper.




  1. Yes I saw that show!!

  2. i saw it.

  3. no, haven't seen it, sounds fascinating..

    But how on earth can that be possible?? I mean, aren't PAPs and APs the evil ones??.. no, they can NEVER be the VICTIMS of any situation!!  Aren't they are the sole force driving behind the corrupt infant adoption industry?? Aren't they pure evil?? (please note the heavy sarcasm)

    On a different note, there was a fascinating lifetime movie called "Baby for sale" about a couple scammed by someone who was offering the SAME baby for adoption to over 3 couples, to see who would "pay the most" for it.. sick...

  4. no

  5. Haven't seen it.

  6. I have seen it..... it is soo sad to take advantage of people like that! A main reason I am turned off by US Adoption.

  7. I haven't seen it, but I remember a TV movie (I think Lifetime network did it) about a married couple using the promise of adopting the child (the wife was pregnant) in order to get lots of money from a single woman looking to adopt.  It was based on a true story.

  8. Yes, I saw it.  She called our agency, wanting money for support.  We refused to work with her as red flags were waving all over the place.  We do not work with any birthmother from another state.  We feel that if we cannot provide face to face counseling and contact, and get to know the mother over time, we cannot verify information, build a sense of trust, or in other ways vouch for her.  Few people realize the extent at which agencies get scammed.  That is a major expense, very time consuming, and hurts a lot of families.  That is why it is important that your agency works face to face with their potential clients.  How else do you get to know someone?

  9. I did not see it, but hopefully it will be on again.   It's good that Dateline is exposing this kind of thing, and that people who watch this show may learn that there are better ways of going through the adoption process than trying to track down a baby on the internet.

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