
Has anyone smoked during and after pregnancy ?

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also did you breastfeed and are your kids fine, like no probs with sids,




  1. Only selfish people smoke during pregnancy !!! Its so wrong , it pisses me off !! Some thing i am totally against as well as abortion .. I hate seeing mothers pushing there prams smoking there heads off too !! GRRR !! Dont get me started .. Its so wrong on so many levels .. Im sorry if i have offended anyone but thats my views on the whole smoking during pregnancy !! After pregnancy doesnt bother me , belongs its outside and not infront of your babes and esp NOT while pushing a pram or holding your babes hand .  

  2. Even if there are people who have had perfectly healthy babies . . . why take the risk?

  3. theres all this bs about smoking now but my mom and my sister smoked during their pregnancies and their kids are fine

  4. No im not a smoker but my mam was.. (all through her 3 pregnancies)

    My big brother was born jaundice and still has asthma

    My big sister has had kidney problems all her life and still has asthma.

    Me and my twin were severely premature I have had heart, kidney and breathing problems all my life and unfortunately my twin was born deaf, and you guessed it, he has asthma

    These could have everything or nothing to do with my mam being a smoker but its my personal experience

  5. yes i choice and im not proud. Perfectly fine overdue 3.88kg boy.....then overdue twins 2.9kg and 3kg...came at 40 weeks!!! I recommend quit if you can or cut back at least.

  6. During and after with all 3. Breastfed all 3 too. All 3 very healthy too. No problems with any of them.

    Also, asthma is a genetic disorder, not something caused by smoking.

  7. no i NEVER did and no i NEVER would....but are you really going to base your choice about possibly ruining your childs live by what a couple strangers say on the internet? Yes I am sure TONS of people have smoked while pregnant and have healthy children....but there are also LOTS who have smoked and DONT have healthy children.  Are you really ready and willing to gamble with your unborn babies life??

    Think of it this way.....many people survive car accidents everyday...however many have died in car accidents as well.  Are you going to go cause one because more people survived then died?? Probably not!

  8. I smoked for awhile then realized I was on fire. luckily my friends put me out. I still smoked for a little bit after that.  then it hurt really bad.

    advice be careful near an open flame

  9. You drink alcohol while breastfeeding the baby gets drunk, breastfeed while smoking mide as well be lighting the cig in her mouth as well.

    I personally think that smoking around children should be illegal, its a serious case of child endangerment.

  10. I have never smoked during pregnancy and have been smoking on and off for 17 years,

    each time i fell pregnant i gave up i have had 2 live births 3 miscarriages and I'm pregnant again the moment i find out i give up then when they are born i do breast feed and when i have given breast feeding up i smoke but only out side away from my kids,

    Any one who smokes during pregnancy is a moron it increases the risk of miscarried asthma cot death and low birth weight a risk im not prepared to ever take all for the sake of a white stick

  11. Smoking can harm the baby, It may be born with a low birth weight.

    Here is a helpful link.

  12. h**l no.. i wont even let people smoke around me!

  13. I have known many women who smoked during and after pregnancy, and even women who smoked and breastfed at the same time, and none of them or their babies had any problems. Not one case of SIDS. I have even met a mom who started giving her baby girl puffs from her cigarettes when the girl was 3 months old, and the girl was an avid smoker before 18 months old. And she grew up just fine, is still healthy 35 years later, and has her own kids.

  14. if they have sids they die.

    don't smoke while you're pregnant!

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