
Has anyone sold "Aflac" insurance? Is this a good company to work for? Is it difficult to make money?

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I have an interview with them. I know that it is commission only and I am concerned that I will be able to make a good living.

Thank you for your thoughts.




  1. commission only is a tough one to budget (I know since I live on commission only) I do know a local aflac agent (who attempted to recruit me) he said he was making decent $ but you have to build up a client base (takes time) I'd keep a PT job on the side until you're sure of how much you would earn

  2. I have a contact that sells Aflac, and she's doing rather well. You have to put yourself out there and figure out how to make contacts with people, however. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to join a business networking group of some kind. The agent I know if a member of BNI. Especially with Aflac, it's important to get involved with businesses who can pass your services on to employees and clients.

    Good luck. It will take some time to build your business, but if you're dedicated, you'll do fine.

  3. Well, any commission paying only job is going to take a lot of hard work, dedication and patience. You have to have the gift of gab, able to communicate easily with others and of course know your product inside and out. You can't be shy, intimidated easily or one who gives up easily. You can make it work only if you really, really want it. Hope this helps some.

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