
Has anyone started to store food and supplies incase of major disaster predicted for 2012?

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if so what and how




  1. You shouldn't really worry about 2012.

    That is just a prediction,

    Don't let these things scare you,

    Plus, if anything happens, you wont need anything.

    2012 is rumored to be judgment day.

    We wouldn't be able to survive it.


    Like I said.

    Its just a prediction.

  2. These "disasters" that are predicted in future years have no logic, which is sort of important...  They said the same thing will happen in 2000. Hey! I'm still alive!

    It is always good though, to save food,water, disaster things such as those.  

  3. not much will happen on 2012,the mayan calender will continue on,

    its only reached the end of one cycle and will begin a new one.

    its done this before many times

  4. what disaster?  

  5. A couple of things

    1. I do not think you should worry....just live you live

    B. And anyway What ppl think is we are all going to die no storing food.

    III. If we live through food wouldnt last

    Im not scared neither should you

  6. I've begun working out and storing guns.

    They will call me the fire chief.  

  7. 2012 is supposedly the end of the world, stock piling supplies ain't gonna help.

    also nothing bad is really going to happen then anyway, its all superstitious nonsense

  8. In 2011 I will start packing food just in case. :)

  9. NO it wont happen

  10. umm no? if its gonna be the "end of the world" you'll die anyway, or if you don't why would you want to continue living on a dead planet?

  11. i am defendantly storing some lucky charms dog

  12. no why cause im not a weirdo.

  13. No Never hear of such a thing .is it like the millenium bug? What is going to Happen? Normally I have 10 000 litres of water To useno mater what  Electricity is no prolem

  14. yeah, i've got lots of cheese and bread and vegetables that i stored under my house last year. so i'm definitely going to be safe.

    'cept there's this funny smell..... i think it must be another one of the signs that the world is going to end.

  15. leave it til mid 2009 then you'll know if something funny is going on.

  16. By storing too much food you will attract the hungry zombies that have been irradiated & exposed,so make sure you hide it well.Oh & keep it quiet when & If the day comes or you will have a visit. BOOOO!  

  17. I think it's a ploy to sell more books. This stuff is being 'pumped' by

    the same dudes that were promoting the "Harmonic Convergence"

    back about 1999.

    Coincidental with the "convergence" was a Grand Cross (which

    astrologically normally means "something gets stopped in its tracks".

    And the worldwide "meltdown" of the Information Tech industry is


    I did an eval of that date astrologically and find that while it's not all

    that's nothing really that bad either (not anything like the

    Grand Cross).

    If you're worried, consult with a local astrologer and have a chart for

    that Event drawn up. You'll see. It's nothing to lose any sleep over.

  18. Not for that reason, but just to make sure I've got some extra in case of emergency. I think it's always a good idea to have extra food and supplies for that reason. With all the food shortages around the world and prices going up so much.

  19. NOTHING WILL HAPPEN IN 2012...even if it did we still have 4 years and that's still a long time. We dont need to worry now.

  20. I don't believe there will be a big event in 2012 but as it says .. the world we know will no longer be

    this could be for many reasons eg the earth thermal activity could change the layout of the land eg San Andreas fault might break off and cause tsunami on east coast of Oz wiping out all coastal areas ... storing supplies just aren't going to help

    the weather due to climate change Will mean the world as we know Will be different... become self sufficient .. storing up won't help you.

    there are many possibilities one of which is that for those who made the calendar 2012 was a long time off

    Yes I do believe that the world as we know it will be very different in just 4 years. climate change is picking up momentum so take steps to be somewhere you can survive .. money is not the be all and end all; living in a city is becoming a survival thing rather than a living thing!

    And last but not no means least the biggest problem in the world today is OVERPOPULATION. there is a limit to how much the earth can provide and we have raped and pillage it for centuries .. yes the world will be Very different by 2012.

  21. The 2012 prediction isn't for a major disaster -- it's a prediction for the end of the world. It seems kind of silly to store up food that you're not going to be able to eat. :=)

  22. No, because this 2012 disaster/ end of the world stuff is completely stupid!

  23. Is there a major disaster expected in 2012? No one told me.

    As for storing food would'nt it be a bit old and eating it would cause another major disaster.

    And who predicted this and what is going to happen?

  24. I really don't think anything will happen.

  25. Whoever said ignorance is bliss should burn in h**l. I have not but as the time approaches I will. If something does happen, the majority of us are ****** regardless of how we prepare. Better safe than sorry.

  26. Nah sorry the doomsdayers don't exactly have the best track record. First Y2K, then 6/6/06 and now 2012. Yawn.

  27. You are talking about the predictions off a very primitive tribe that believed that Lunar eclipses are a sign of end time... So no there is no reason to start store housing food yet........ But it never hurts to start store housing food supplies...................................

  28. I dont beleve anythings going to happen that year, seriously, they think it will happen because its 12/12/2012

    well, people thought y2k would be year 2000, nope, 3/3/03 bad luck, 2012 same thing as those and nothings happening.

  29. i'm starting a underground farm with rice, wheat and wild hamsters. and i'm currently installing 10,000L underground tanks.

  30. I highly doubt that something bad will happen on 2012.

    People were so scared and going crazy over the new millennium... 2000

    everyone thought that bad thing were going to happen.

    Nothing did.

    Everyone should stop worrying so much.

    Why this generation anyways?

    Of all the years that we have known.... why this generation?

    I wouldn't worry so much about 2012.

    I live my life my own way and if the time comes...

    then so be it.

  31. It would be a bit silly to store food and supplies for the end of the world is predicted for 2012. After the end of the world no one will need any food or supplies.

    However it is always a good idea to store food and supplies for the next major disaster whenever it comes.

    In the same way, it is always a good idea to be ready to meet your maker at any moment.

    "But of that day or hour, no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come." (Mark 13:32-33)

    Jesus told us in no uncertain terms that we were not to know when the end of the world would come but that we were always to be ready.

    Each new Christian denomination seems to worry about the end of the world a bit too much. Then after a couple of centuries, they realize that there are always wars and rumors of wars, etc.

    I won't even mention the hundreds of false predictions of the end of the world over the centuries, all of which were based on individual interpretations of biblical prophecies.

    The early Christian Church thought that Jesus was going to return at any moment. Only after a couple of centuries did the Church realize that it may be 2,000 or 4,000 or 8,000 years before Jesus returns.

    The Catholic Church wisely follows Jesus' advice and teaches that each of us should live as if we will meet our maker in the next ten minutes and that we need to work to make the world a better place for our 100 X great-grandchildren.

    Do not worry about the end of the world. Trust God to make sure everthing happens to plan. Just be ready to meet God at any time.

    For more information, about what Catholics believe about the end of the world, see:

    With love in Christ.

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